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Pulling up to the arcade increased your longing to get your hands on one of the few games you actually quite enjoyed and play until you ran out of quarters.

You pushed open the door with your shoulder, smiling as the smell of sweaty kids and buttered popcorn filled your nose. It was perfect.

Your eye scanned the room for the one game you really wanted to play, until you finally landed upon the glorious orange machine.

You basically sprinted towards it, the bag of coins jingling in your hand the entire way, as you got there in time and shoved two quarters in the slot. The game started up and you couldn't help but feel relieve as you played.

The arcade was relaxing to you.

"Damn, that impressive." You heard someone say behind you.

You turned around, bag of quarters by your feet as you moved them closer to you. The black haired boy stood facing you with a smirk on his lips.

"What do you want?" You asked, slightly annoyed as you turned back around to start up a new game.

"What makes you think I want something?" He asked you.

You grumbled slightly. "Look, I just wanted to come to the arcade to play some games, alright?"

"Well, what do you think I'm doing here." Mike replied back. You could nearly feel the smirk on the back of your head but you didn't turn around.

Instead, you continued to play.

"I don't know. Perhaps stalking the new kid in town?" You shot back, seeing the game screen tell you your placement.

You leaned down, taking out two more quarters and shoving them harshly into the orange machine as the game started up again.

"Is this all you do?" Mike asked.

You sighed annoyingly. "Seems to me that all you ever do is stalk every new kid that comes here. You think we're gonna cause hell or something?" You asked him back.

"Never said that."

"Didn't have to."

The sound between the two of you was soon just the sound of quarters being inserted into machines, popcorn popping and being served, and side conversations going on with kids.

"Where'd you move from?" Mike piped up.

"Did you not listen in class, or?" You fired back, tapping buttons on the game board.

You could feel Mike shrugging behind you. "Well, I can get bored sometimes when it comes to new students so," He paused. "Did that answer it?"

"You seem very into stalking me, Mike. Oh, and Canada." You said back before checking the time on your watch. Had you already been here for two hours? Didn't seem like it.

"I have to get home, but thanks for chatting with me while I was trying to relax." You said, picking up the coins from the ground.

When you stood up, Mike smiled.

"Catch you later?"

"If you can, lover boy."

PART TRES ON: aCanadianStereotype


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