×[¤ Chapter 40 ¤] ×

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What I've with you, I don't want it with anyone else ○

*Infirmary, School*

When Fay and Daniel had arrived in the infirmary, the bleeding had almost stopped. The nurse complimented Fay for her quick thinking and told Daniel to sit down on a bed, just in case he might get dizzy.

She told him to continue pinching his nose for a short while more as she handed Fay a small ice pack. Fay got the instructions to press it constantly on his nose and cheeks.

She left them alone after giving them enough tissues to catch all the excessive blood with, and both of them followed the nurse's instructions quietly.

After a while, Daniel gently pushed away Fay's hand, and looked up with big eyes, blinking as if he had only woken up now from a dazed state.

"Oh?!" Daniel finally opened his mouth "I think it stopped!"

"Let me see." Fay grabbed his chin with her fingers and gently forced his head downwards. After confirming no blood came out anymore, she let go of him.

"I think you scared half of the nation there." Fay chuckled as Daniel softly touched his nose, to see whether it was bend or not, "And your nose doesn't have a dent, don't worry."

"I'm not a person who quickly has nosebleeds." Daniel explained looking at all the tissue in the trash can, not a dot of white was to be seen on them, "No wonder, I felt like I was going to the dark side."

"It's because you're a fucktard," Fay reprimanded him slightly - thinking back on how she had a mini heart attack too when he dropped to the ground "and a blind fool with a tunnel vision."

"It's because I thought the ball was going to hit you." Daniel said meekly, fiddling with the bedsheets,"I forgot they had both balls in their possession."

"Moron," Fay mumbled but it sounded rather relieved than mad, as she brushed a few hair strands out off his face, without thinking.

"Fay you got blood on your shirt," Daniel said as his eyes fell on the crimson drops here and there on her shirt. Mostly on her shoulder and chest area.

"Oh, this?" Fay pulled her hand back and examined her shirt by lifting it up slightly, "Don't sweat it, one wash by the hand, and it'll be as new."

"I can wash it for you!" Daniel immediately suggested, but Fay waved it away.

"Rather, I'm far more relieved that it's nothing serious." Fay said looking at him with a tender expression, "For a moment you scared everyone when you knocked to the ground. I honestly could care less about my shirt."

Immediately she felt a pair of arms around her and Daniel gently rested his forehead on her shoulder as he pulled her closer.

"Thanks, Fay." Daniel murmured into her shoulder, as he held on to her tightly.

Not really surprised by the hug, Fay wrapped her arms around him too and started rubbing his back in a soothing manner.

"It was nothing, you big baby." Fay smiled resting her head against his.

"I really want to kiss you right now." Daniel confessed honestly with a groan, and Fay could still clearly hear him, although his face was buried in her shoulder, "but I don't want you to taste iron."

"I was about to say," Fay retorted as she pulled her head slightly away from him, "You're coming nowhere near me with a blood clogged nose! Leaving that aside tho, do you taste blood in your mouth?"

"Yeah slightly." Daniel mumbled insecurely, "I think I swallowed a tiny bit."

"Do you want some water, to cleanse your mouth?" Fay immediately asked caringly.

"Uhm first let me lay down for a second." Daniel chuckled sheepishly, well aware that he would get reprimanded, "I'm feeling a bit dizzy."

Without a second thought, Fay wriggled herself out off his grip and stood next to his bed. She put one arm around his back, slowly lowering him down on the bed. The other was giving support to his head., preventing him from getting dizzier.

"No more fooling around." Fay put up her serious and strict voice, "You're staying here until the nurse personally discharges you. Be a good boy and don't move, until I return with water."

"Yes, ma'am," Daniel replied weakly as his eyes were closed tightly, and he had slightly turned pale.

After giving him one last glance, Fay hurried away to get him a glass of water.

When she returned, she noticed how Daniel had fallen asleep peacefully and she softly put down the cup on the table next to the bed.

"Take a good rest," Fay whispered brushing her fingers through his hair once more, which seemed like it was becoming an unconscious habit.

Fay was almost out of the ward, when she heard him murmur "Rooney, Peter, don't attack Fay!"

Suppressing a giggle Fay headed back to her classroom....


"How's Daniel?!" the whole class immediately jumped up, the moment she entered the class.

"Feeling good and fast asleep." Fay chuckled as everyone let out a sigh off relieve.

"Miss. Fayre how about you go get changed first?" Mrs.Jeon proposed attentively, looking at Fays blood-stained shirt. The others had informed Mrs.Jeon about what had happened during P.E, so she knew Fay would attend class later.

Even though Mr. Kim should have been their homeroom teacher, after his absence during the first class and the way they had discussed everything with Mrs. Jeon, the teachers had decided it would be wiser if Mrs. Jeon continued to be their homeroom teacher.

"Oh yeah might be smart." Fay mumbled looking down at her shirt, seemingly unaffected by her appearance "Be back in a few seconds."

"Fay I brought your clothes from the gym," Risa said holding up a tote bag.

"Thanks, Risa," Fay said gratefully, as she grabbed the bag.

She quickly hurried out of the class to the toilets with the bag, to get changed "Luckily it's our last class."

"I would have fainted if I saw so much blood," Dohee confessed with a shudder.

"Daniel doesn't get them easily," Jisung said taking his seat again "that's why everyone got so worried."

"It's been Fay's lifelong dream to become a pediatrician," Risa informed them with a smile, "This much blood won't even faze her."

"I'm sure Daniel will be allright, and that Fayre will achieve her dream but, " Mrs.Jeon calmed them all down, "I would appreciate it if we could continue our class, in best interest of all of you."

"Yes, Mrs.Jeon." Everyone mumbled as they started focusing on their textbooks again...

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