Chapter one: The Girl With The Clock In Her Eye

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Your POV

It was a stormy summer night when you had escaped your house after strangling your step father after he had tried to touch you and hurt you at the same time. You were pretty much out of energy from running all the way out into the woods, you sit underneath a tree to catch your breath wondering if you just might be able to wait there until the storm passes. You see three people in the shadows running somewhat in front of you, "whos there?! I have a knife and im n-not afraid t-to use i-it.." You stutter while you hear a deep voice saying "ohh look...the poor girl thinks she can scare us away.." The voice didnt sound like any was a female voice, she spoke again "listen here, and listen good..if you try to call for any sort of help, i promise you will never see another sunrise after i slash open your stomach and tear your limbs apart got it?!" The teenage girl's words sent shivers down your spine as you slowly nodded telling the female that you understood. "But w-who are you?.." "No questions asked for now, you listen to what we say or we kill you ok?" "..ok.."

Clockwork's POV

This girl was sure scared so badly that she was practically trembling in fear...i wanted to know what happened to the girl but i could see that she was to fearful to answer any questions right now, plus im pretty sure i scared the shit out of her while telling what i would do to her if she tried to call for help but thats what killers do anyway so she should get used to it IF slender allows her in the mansion. Then a voice had appeared in our minds of killing and said "take her back to the mansion and have her meet everyone, then take her to me" i rolled my eye at slenders orders, i really didnt want to take this girl back to the mansion...she gets scared too easily and she cries alot, so im not gonna play her little games and deal with this type of shit.

Jeff's POV

Clockwork didnt seem so happy about taking the girl back to the mansion, neither did i but i gotta say..she's actually pretty cute "c'mon Clock she's not so bad" "but i can already tell she's gonna be a little shit and you know it too" "true, but still it wouldnt be so bad to just fuck her once" "youre a male slut Jeff" she had told me before rolling her one eye.

Your POV

You see a light that follows into more lights as you walk upon a huge mansion you look around and you finally see what the three killers look like and your eyes widen at the sight of how they look, you see a teenage boy who has pale skin, a white hoodie, black pants and sneakers, and a slit mouth that goes from ear to ear. You also see a teenage girl who has blood dripping non stop from her eyes along whith brown and red hair and a black and red striped shirt. The other teenage girl has part of her hair covering half of one side of her face, and has a bright emerald green eye along with stitchings in her mouth and wears a navy blue jacket, black skinny jeans and black boots. You stare for a minute and finally ask "w-whats your names...please just tell me.."

Clock's POV

"W-whats your names...please just tell me.." The girl had asked, me, Jeff, and Kate all looked at each other and Jeff finally broke the silence, "im Jeff the Killer but feel free to call me daddy if you want" i feel like puking after hearing those words "no you fucker, she's not gonna call a man slut 'daddy'" Jeff spoke again saying "the salty and scary one is Clockwork and the nice and kind of salty one is Killing Kate." I glared at jeff thinking..if looks could kill, Jeff would be dead by now. The girl looked at me in a strange way "can i help you?" "Why do you have your hair in your face like that..?" I froze after hearing those one has ever asked me that...they have always just asked 'can you move your hair away from your face?' Jeff and Kate looked at me and took a few steps back, i had slowly moved my hair out of my face and had revealed my clock that was in my eye and things went silent that you could hear the clock ticking.

Your POV

You stood in silence as you watched the girl with the clock eye look at you with her one glowing green eye suddenly a voice appeared in your head "dont be afraid of her, she has a heart somewhere it just takes some time to find it" Clockwork enters inside of the house and so do the other two killers, and you notice that Clockwork kept her hair out of her face while she was playing around with the rest of what seemed like two thousand other killers.

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