chapter twenty-four : get lost in me

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y/ns POV

it was a couple days after everything between me and clock had went down and we were back at the mansion already , which i wasn't really complaining , it was awkward sharing a room with both clock and jeff in it after ,, you know . i locked myself in my room and planned to stay there for as long as i actually needed to , which wasn't going to be too long in the end . me and clock weren't talking , nor me and jeff . me and toby still talk though , i mean we didn't really have a reason not to , but still . clock avoided me the days we had got back home , and i didn't blame her . i sighed softly as i heard my door open from behind me , turning my head to see toby there with a plate of food .

"hey , i know your fatass will eat up the entire fridge at midnight if you don't eat dinner so here" i shook my head and let out a laugh , getting up out of my bed and walked over to him , taking the plate from his hands and sat down on the desk next to me , starting to dig into it . "gee thanks" i mumbled as toby chuckled , shutting the door "you talked to clock yet ?" he asked , tilting his head as i shook mine "nope ,, i already told you , she wants nothing to do with me . it's like the beginning of me living here all over again but instead , she's not a bully"

i responded to the brunette as she sighed , crossing his arms and leaning on the wall , stealing a piece of my food all at once "understandable . but still , you two won't get anywhere if y'all stay petty and ignore each other . i know for a fact she has to miss you sometimes" toby remarked as i took another bite from my meal "yeahh i wouldn't be too sure about that" i grumbled , looking back up at toby as he shrugged his shoulders "well either way , i'm gonna find a way to have y'all talk , don't talk me out of it"

i scoffed and only nodded in agreement , deciding to just let him do so rather than refuse the offer . as much as i didn't want to talk to clock at the moment , i accepted tobys offer to help us out . with that , he walked out of my room and i just sat there for a moment , thinking about what i would say to clock if tony actually pulled this shit off and got her talking to me .

clocks POV

i was in the living room watching some scary movie with jane , telling her about what all had happened while at the cabins as she just sat there in shock and anger "so , do you really think toby was involved ?" i heard janes voice as i looked over at her , shrugging "i can't ever be too sure" i responded as jane turned her body to face me "but , if you think about it , jeff is known to lie to everyone and is proud of that reputation he holds . plus , toby still has the hots for you , i don't think he'd be that shallow ."  jane had a point . jeff did like using lying as an advantage or a weapon to rip others apart , and toby was too much of a good friend to ever do something like that .

speaking of the devil , toby came downstairs and walked over to me and jane , shoving jane to the side and sitting in between us . "touché toby" jane mumbled as i let out a small laugh , shaking my head slightly and looked over at him "what's so important that you couldn't just stand next to me and tell me ?" i asked as he turned his head to me and sighed "i need you to go talk to y/n ." he mumbled softly , i bit my lip and looked away from him , not responding . "clock im serious , you need to talk to her , it's been almost a whole ass week ." "why should i take your word for it ?" i tilted my head and stared at him as he stayed silent for a few seconds "because ,, i'm fucking toby so go in there" with that he grabbed my wrist and shoved me toward her room . i felt my stomach drop and wanted to stop him but i knew he would cause a scene and force me in there anyways .

toby shoved the door open and pushing me inside the room , slamming the door right after . y/n looked up then quickly looked down , i already felt awkward and tried to leave "sorry y/n , tobys being a dick-" i tried to open the door only to find out his body weight was being pressed onto it . i groaned quietly as i heard y/n get up from her bed and come up behind me . i felt her arms instantly go around my waist as she squeezed tightly , i felt my stomach drop once again as she mumbled quietly "i missed you ." i let out a small sigh as i pressed my forehead against the door "that's shocking ." i mumbled back toward her as i heard her mutter under her breath before replying "what's shocking is you letting me even come near you" i let out another sigh before getting away from the door and turning to face her .

i honestly wasn't sure how to feel around her at this point , i was still trying to figure out if anything jeff said was true . i stared at y/n blankly for a minute before looking off to the side and fidgeting with my bracelets . "look , i don't know if anything i was told is true , because honestly i don't know who to believe ." "no that's understandable i guess . but one thing you need to get through your head is that jeff is a compulsive liar and will do anything to get at people , you out of all people should know this" she stated as i grew lost for words , starting to realize and felt bad "i know that but-" i started before she cut me off "no i don't think you do clock . if you really knew that , then you wouldn't have been stuck in between who you wanted to believe , you would've chosen a side already , but here you are still wondering if i really would lie to you" she snapped as i bit down on my tongue "i get why you think that but you don't get it , you really don't" "then help me understand because at this point , i don't know what i should do to get you to believe me"

"look i was put in here to talk , not get a lecture" i replied as i leaned against the wall , waiting for y/n to snap once again but she didn't this time . she just stared at me , her arms crossing before she decided to look away . "i'm not sure if i even want to talk anymore , it's obvious who's lying and who isn't" she mumbled as i looked over at her "easy for you to say , you and jeff are the only ones that know the truth" i heard her take a deep breath "you know , the most frustrating thing is that i'm telling you the truth unlike jeff , and you still think i'm lying to you" "then help me understand that you're somewhat telling the truth because i'm just not so sure anymore y/n" with that being said , she walked toward me quickly and placed her hands on opposite sides of my face before roughly pressing her cold lips against mine .

A/N : ayo i'm so sorry it takes me a whole century to update this story— school has been a lot lately and i've also been going through some personal things and it's been hard to try and focus on writing atm , i'm gonna try to update as much as i can tho , hope you guys enjoyed this chapter , ilyy ! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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