Chapter Eighteen: Meeting anither side of Him

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Clocks POV

I woke up the next morning, having Y/N right by my side as I smiled warmly. I got up quietly, trying to not wake her as I walked out the room and shut the door ever so quietly. I walked downstairs and checked the time. God.. 6 in the damn morning.. I thought to myself as I heard footsteps of the some other pastas. As I turned and saw them. Jeff came downstairs first, zooming down, probably racing Ben as I assumed since ben tried stopping Jeff from reaching the bottom of the stairs. Jane and Lazi along with Lulu came down and so did Smile as he wagged his tail when he saw Jeff. I giggled as they quietly crept down. I opened the fridge and got a soda and cracked it open as I sat at the table. Jeff saw me and laughed as I looked at him and raised a brow. "Nice hair" he snickered as I looked in the mirror that was in the living room as my hair was like bens last night and was everywhere. I scowled and then smiled, "thanks. Yours doesn't look too bad itself either." I smirked evilly but playfully as he ran to the mirror seeing his raven black hair just like mine and wasn't combed as usual in the mornings. I laughed as he growled lowly and glared. His once ocean blue eyes that were now a dull smoked blue due to the fire seemed to light up as Smile had licked his hand as Jeff went soft immediately and sat down, ruffling Smiles red and black fur as he kissed his head as me and Ben smirked at each other. Just then Y/N came downstairs, and yawned as I smiled. She then went to Jeff and hugged him and messed up his hair even more as he growled but smiled knowing who it was. I tilted my head at this rare sight but shrugged it off thinking they just got closer from last night. She then came to me and hugged me tightly. As she got a water and sat down. Slender then appeared and announced that we had to go and see if there was any hidden places in the woods, meaning he found all our hiding spots to get away from the mansion as we groaned and got ready. I came downstairs, in my usual attire and so did Jeff in his white hoodie and black skinny jeans and his black converse as usual. He looked down at me since I was shorter than him and smirked as I tilted my head in confusion "you need something?" "Nah not really. Just that I'm expecting to find a cabin with sex toys everywhere" "you bitch!" He snickered as I tried to punch him, Y/N stopping me. "Hey!- why are so defending over this asshole now! You would've loved seeing me sock him in the face!" "I stopped you because this asshole grows stronger every day and if you punched him in the face, he'd return the favor but make it worse" I growled at them both. I don't know why they got so close all of a sudden.. maybe Y/N's losing feelings..?? No! There's no way! I brushed the thoughts aside as I just scoffed. "Yeah okay" I stayed before walking away from them two.


I was walking in the woods when we passed by Ejs huge memorial we had all pitched in to make and pay for. I sighed heavily, wanting to cry as the question came to my mind. Clock has been avoiding me and Jeff so I figured this was the right time to ask. "Hey jeffy..?" I asked. Everyone in the mansion called him that and I ended up picking up on the name "Yeah?" He said, clearing out the cabin we were in. "Uh.. what.. really happened to Ej? Really, I wanna know.." Jeff looked up at me in a blank stare, one that creeped me out sometimes. "He was attacked and didn't make it, I found him in the hall dead." He said bluntly. "I know you guys are lying to me..! What happened??" "What I just told you.." he said as I clenched my fists getting angry. "Look! I know you clock and slender are lying to me! Now tell me the truth before I do something we will both regret!" I said, trying my best to sound like a threat to him as he looked away "I just did. But I don't need to tell you anything else" I got more and more angry as my face grew red from the anger "JUST TELL ME WHAT REALLY HA-" He grabbed my wrist hard as my hand went to a shade of purple "LOOK JUST DROP IT OKAY!? HE GOT ATTACKED AND I FOUND HIM DEAD! NOW LEAVE THE TOPIC ALONE!" He yelled, as I started shaking. He always scared me when he was angry and I knew he was short tempered but I decided to fuck with him on the worst moment. I shook more and more, scared out of my mind as I looked down at my hand that was now a dark plum purple color. God he had a grip on him. I was afraid if I didn't do something about it soon, he would rip my whole hand off. I finally whimpered and tugged for him to let go as he looked down and did. I grabbed my hand, seeing a new blue and yellow bruise form as it hurt like hell. This is all my fault... I thought I should've never brought Ejs death up.. I had tears form in the back of my eyes as I fought them. Jeff then walked out the cabin with a bag full of stuff leaving me alone. I soon followed him as a tear trickled down my cheek as I quickly wiped it away. I went towards the back of the group, leaving everyone alone so I wouldn't mess anything else up as I cried silently. My wrist was still a dark shade of velvet red with a bad and dark bruise around it as it stung and ached badly. I wiped my tears away, soon looking up at the rest of the group everyone talked but they all left jeff alone. I'm pretty sure they could see he was pissed and decided to let him cool off on his own before he broke someone's neck. I then asked Lulu about him and she sighed. "Once Woods is angry, we all leave him alone.. we learned to do that the hard way.." she told me how Ben wouldn't leave him alone while Jeff was short tempered once, and Jeff snapped and broke Bens arm. I stared in shock, knowing he was capable of a lot of things but never thought he would do that.. especially to Benny.. I just hope he cools off by nightfall.. I still want to be there with him and just cuddle him to sleep.. the same exact thing I want to do with Clock..

A/N: hey hey hey. Im gonna be updating more frequently now and if I haven't updated in a week or more, blow up my damn phone so I can update lmao. Love y'all, see you guys in the next chapter! ❤️🔪

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