Chapter Ten: Thoughts on Her

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Clock's POV

I woke up the next morning in Toby's arms. I quietly got up and went downstairs to the kitchen to see Jeff walking down the stairs clenching his fists. Probably lost to BEN in a video game. His black hair was still all over the place, black circles under his no-lid eyes. "Morning sleeping beauty, how was your night" I snickered a bit "shut up. At least I didn't make out with someone." "At least my phone wasn't thrown in the river." He glared at me as I gave him an innocent smile. BEN came downstairs along with Kate, Jane, Lulu, Ej, Lj, the proxies, and all the other pastas. Mornings are always crowded. Especially in the kitchen. There's Toby demanding for waffles, Masky compilaning that there's no cheesecake, Ej yelling that he needs to borrow someones kidneys to eat, Jeff pushing everyone to get to the fridge. BEN mumbling that he needs his morning defeats in his favorite video game. Lj asking for candy every second. And me pushing everyone to the ground to get out of the crowd. When does busy mornings ever calm down for once? We all need a break. I felt someone pull my hair causing me to fall back, I look up to see Jane standing there "I need NY morning coffee, go get me some" I get up and I push her against the table causing her to hit her back and her head, everyone backs up and yells "fight, fight, fight, fight!!" We give the morning messes what they want. Jane trips me, hitting the hard wood floor. I end up going full crazy on her and punch her. She falls, trying to stop her nosebleed. I then realized she would never try to fight me since we were so close. But then I realized also, she did go to a bar last night. Probably hungover. I let her be and went on with the rest of the day. I'm still in deep thought of Y/N though. I can't just sit there and not think about her. Yes I was harsh, but still that's how I am. I won't change. Anyway,  I was deep in thought that I didn't notice Ej talking to me. I looked up. "Huh? Yeah?" "I was said, did you enjoy your night with Ticci?" I playfully punched Ej's arm "shut up we didn't do anything! We just.." "Made out?" "What? No!" "that's what they all say" Ej winked and laughed a bit. Me and Ej talked for a while until we heard bark outside. another HellHound attack. We rushed back downstairs and it turned out to be Jane this time. Geez a nosebleed and a bite? What a morning she had. She went down into the basement as the rest of us all went in groups to our rooms. I went with Toby, Ej, Lulu, Jeff, and BEN. BEN brought his video game system and some extra controllers. We all played for a while until we all got too tired. It was already dark by then though. We spent the whole day playing video games. Not bad actually. We all just decided to fall asleep in Lulu's room since hers had more space. Lulu slept on her bed. There was two air mattresses. Toby and I shared one, Jeff slept on the other and BEN slept on the  floor. Toby had gently squeezed me with his arms being around me. Everyone had drifted to sleep before me as I stared at the wall.  Thinking of Y/N again. I still wonder where she is and how far she's gotten.


I convinced Zalgo to have me go to the mansion to get Lazari. I was ready to go, I was just about done packing all my stuff until Stripes had walked in. "Hey Y/N what are you doing?" I froze there. And then finally spoke. "Oh just getting ready for my mission.." "What mission?" Damn. I knew she would ask why or what. "To get your sister from the enemy"  "really??" "Yeah. Ok well I gotta get ready still so.. Talk to you later Stripes" I pushed her out of my room and shut the door. I was so relieved. That was too close. I need to get out of here as soon as possible. Since Zalgo actually trusted me to go to the mansion, I'll just stay over night. Then things should go back to normal for sure! At least I hope so.. I think so.. It will go back to normal... Right..?

A/N: hai again lol I decided to update the next chapter right after the other one because I had enough time and I was bored so here you go! Hope y'all enjoyed!  💙

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