Chapter Eight: Zalgo's Place.

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I was still being carried by this devilish monster, my leg still bleeding, still having dizzyness. I was so terrified.. it madr me regret ever running away from the mansion i call home. I was hoping someone would hear the monster's footsteps and someone actually did. I was placed down on a rough bed, while someone rapped up my wound. I looked up to see a girl in all striped dress. She finally spoke "the name's Stripes. You must be Y/N from Slenders mansion." "Uh.. yeah.. im waiting for my friends" "too bad they dont ever come on this side of the woods. None of them do. They wouldnt suspect you to be here." "Oh.. well can you help me escape??" "Its not that easy, kid. Once a Slenders killer, always a Slenders killer." "Please! I wont ever go back there!" "Thats what they all say. I had a little sister go there to Slenderman's place, we found her and she said she would go back one more time, and leave forever. But when she went, she never came back to me." "Whats your sisters name? Maybe if you tell me, ill give her back to you, and you set me free!" "Its not up to me to set you free. The Rake brought you here for a reason, and he is going to keep that reason. Plus youll like being one of us.." Stripes paused. I was scared out of my mind. I couldnt think straight.. she gave me this look that i would never forget, and then, she made the wound worse by bitting it out of no where! I screamed in pain as i blacked out right there. Still wondering, would my friends ever come back for me..?

Clock's POV

I started feeling odd now that Y/N was out there on her own. Smile and Masky were severley injured. I was still injured myself. I started feeling pain in the area i got stabbed in but i thought it was nothing.. i went out in the woods with Toby, Jeff, BEN, Jane, and Lulu. Kate had stayed inside since she didnt want to go with us from earlier. We were just walking around with Sad Dog to see if he could trace Y/N's scent. I heard growling in the distance and walked closer to the group since i was behind everyone. Toby noticed my worry and started walking slower to catch up with me. "Whats wrong Clock?" I didnt really want to tell him about the growling, only because he would panic, then so would everyone else. "Nothing just.. a bit distant so i decided to catch up.." a nervous laugh escaped from my mouth "ok.." he said. We kept walking and i heard the growling again.. but this time Toby heard it too. He pulled out one of his hatchets making a loud 'shing' noise. Everyone heard that and turned around as Jeff pulled the leash that had Sad Dog. Everyone had gotten their own weapons out, including me. Everyone pushed me to go towards the sound and have them follow sonce i was thr tough one there. Pussies. I started going toward the sound and was stopped by a shout. I realized it was Hoodie as he was yelling in panic, waving his arms. Sad Dog barked and ran, loosing Jeff's grip. I finally understood what he was saying "GET OUT OF THE WOODS! GET INSIDE HURRY!!" We all stood in confusion. Right when i was turning to run back with the others, a dog jumped and attacked me. Everyone ran back to me. Even Hoodie. Toby sliced the dog in half with his rusted, dented, brown hatchet. I was bleeding from my arm with bite marks on it. I was rushed back inside and down to thr basement where Nurse Ann was. She quickly gave me laughing gas as i struggled to get away but Toby and Jeff had an iron grip for holding me down.  The gas was no ordinary laughing gas, it made you see your past. I saw myself struggling from the hospital table, when the doctors were trying to erase my sycho ways i had. Then i passed out. I woke up with strong pain in my arm, i had stitches from the bite marks. Ive been injured twice already. I was devistated. I definetely couldnt go on missions or killing sprees now! This has been one hell of a fucking night! I ignored everyone for the rest of the night. They tried to talk to me, but id push them away. I asked myself: will we ever find Y/N and if we do, will she be dead by then? So many questions i have but not answered..

A/N: miss me? Jk lmao. I hope you enjoyed Chapter Eight! I will update as soon as i can! Ive been really busy lately with 4th of July stuff and everything! Sorry for the hold up guys and see yall in Chapter Nine!

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