Chapter Nineteen: Are We There Yet?

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There we all were. Standing in front of a huge nice ass lake house.. that was on fire. There we all watched as we disguised into our human forms seeing Jeff get taken away. Seeing firefighters doing their job, seeing dead bodies in the lake in front of us as well. We were in a stage of shock, fear, and anger as we saw all these different things happen at once..

Third person POV

now you may be wondering how they got into such a vile mess. Right? Well.. you're in for a long night.

~8 hours earlier~

Clocks POV

I was in the mansion, bored as I stared at Ejs memorial we had for him in the living room. I was left alone with Jeff and Masky as we were all three lounging around as if we were gonna die of boredom soon. Which we were. I stood on the edge of the couch getting more and more bored as Masky broke the silence. "Wanna make an easy $20?" He said as me and Jeff turned to look at each other then had our eyes back on the older proxy. We both nodded our heads eagerly as Masky smirked. "I'll give y'all both 20 bucks if you two make out, right here." He said grinning as my face flushed and Jeff's eyes grew wider than normal. "Admit it." Jeff started, "you only want us to make out in front of you so you don't have to pay for premium on PornHub" he stated as I held in my laugh that so ever wanted to bust out. "No! I just want to see if you would actually do it!" He barked "oh sure" Jeff replied, breaking into maskys shell to have him admit it. I put my hand on my mouth, trying to stop myself from laughing. It wasn't easy. Jeff squinted at Masky. "Y'all want 20 bucks or not" he said as I shook my head "pussy." He claimed as me and Jeff immediately got up "YOURE THE PUSSY" Jeff barked as me and Him were about to jump his ass when it came to my mind that we should just do it before we get in big ass trouble. "Cmon jeff.." I sighed, getting off of his back "let's just get this over with" "no" he said "I'll give you 40" "fine." Jeff replied to Masky as I crept closer to Jeff. He came closer to me as I stared into his blue eyes. Something about them always made me shiver. I could feel him staring directly back into my one eye as I closed my eyes and puckered my lips, getting on my tip-toes since he was taller than me, I practically smashed mine onto his he had his arms placed in the air but behind him and lowly. I noticed and chuckled into the kiss as I put my hands on his waist, I knew Masky wouldn't cough up the money until the permanent smiley fucker kissed me back. I did everything I could to at least turn him on enough to make him kiss back as I slipped one of my hands down his side which made him squirm and he finally kissed back. To be honest, I kinda enjoyed it. I could tell he was eating some sort of candy before since I could taste it on his lips. I then pulled away, his face flushed as I chuckled lightly. I then turned at Masky, and held out my empty hand. "We did it you asshole, now give us what you promised" "alright alright I'll be back." He went upstairs as I stood up on the couch. Little did I know, he actually had recorded it and had it to send to anybody without warning. I started to jump on the couch like Sally Would when she was bored "what are you doing?" Jeff stated from the kitchen, eating another piece of candy, a lollipop to be exact. "Jumping" "why?" "Dunno" I kept jumping until I felt my phone ring. I answered it as it was Y/N. "Hey what's up" "get your bags ready cause we're going on a trip." I hung up quickly, getting excited as I jumped off the couch. "What'd she say?" Jeff asked softly as his blue eyes lit up for once "slender is gonna come pick us up cause we're going on some trip?" Jeff looked a bit surprised "where is he taking us? Down to the pits of Zalgos hell hole?" He said, smirking as he looked the other way "do you always have to be this sarcastic?" "Always? No. Usually is a better word for it" he stated, the blood from his cut mouth trickling down his jawline. I rolled my eyes and smiled as I punched his back several times, telling him to get up and start packing. I told Masky as well but he seemed to already be packed as we all three waiting for someone to call or pull up in front of the mansion. Finally after what seemed like two hours later, Ben called. "We're about to pull up be ready" his glitchy voice said, hanging up as they finally showed up. We all three jumped into the back of what seemed like some old fashioned limo that was mixed with a hummer. The only reason we rode in a ride like this was because of how many of us there were. I sat there watching Ben and Jeff get roasted by the girls as I laughed. "At least I got actual hair on me still" "you fucking bitch! I wonder why I don't!" "Yeah me too" Jeff smirked as Jane grew angry. She tried to choke him but ended up just sitting on his lap instead "you did this on purpose no?" He said as Jane grew velvet red "shut up" she said as Jeff chuckled, jane laying on him with her arms around his torso and her head resting on his chest. I smiled and took a picture, sending it to everyone but them, sending it to them later on. Ben was playing with Sally as Toby was with Grinny, Lulu and Y/N gossiping, Smile dog asleep with Sad dog. On the floor, the rest of us just chilling and falling asleep. Things on the ride there soon went all quiet, everyone was either asleep or actually put up their phones to look at the beautiful land we were passing by out the windows. I, was looking out the window as I looked around, Y/N was asleep on my shoulder, Jeff and Jane both asleep, Jane still holding onto the psychopathic murderer as he held onto her as well. Sally and Ben were playing ever so quietly, Lulu looking at pictures of Ej and the pasta fam all together, Toby and Grinny fast asleep, along with everyone else. I soon got up, quietly stretched and went up to the passenger seat. I sighed and sat there, next to Hoodie driving. "You look dead" he said quietly as he laughed "I'm just tired" I yawned "same. Try driving for five hours straight? It's not fair how Slender just teleported there and is living the life" "Yeah. Asshole" we both laughed quietly as we then stopped. "Hey- w-where are we going anyway?" I asked softly, tilting my head "to some huge lake house. I heard it's he size of the mansion but for rich people" "then how'd WE get access to stay in one of those?" I asked "human disguise remember? Plus slender is loaded with fat stacks" "they're fat alright." I said as Hoodie grinned. We soon pulled into the Lake house, I have to admit, it was a hella nice house. I then went to wake everyone up to say that we were here, and it seemed just impossible to wake up Jeffery Woods. I finally dumped water on him and he shot up quick "please don't tell me Lj just released his sperm all over me!?" He said as I laughed big time "it's just water Jeffery, calm down. But what's that supposed to mean?" "Don't ask.. long but disturbing story.." he said as he shivered. We all knew Lj had the hots for Jeff, we just never mentioned it to them. I laughed again as we both got out the long extended car. We all put our bags up and chose our rooms, each room bigger than the last. Finally.. I thought something to get me out of the mansion when I'm not healed yet I saw Y/N in the doorway as she was smiling. I went up to her and kissed her. Her kissing back instantly. Us then pulling away to a laughter from downstairs.

A/N: hey! This chapter is finna be long af so I decided to do parts of it. This is part one of the story, be back with part two soon! ❤️🔪

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