Chapter two: Y/N

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3 months later..

Clock's POV

Y/N was definitely kinda strange..well at least to me. There is something off about her like she wants to kiss me or something..omfg...wait......what if she likes me?! No! Thats impossible! How could she like me? Ugh..hey its a thought not real ill just shake it off. (Few hours later) i was sitting on the couch watching horror movies with Toby, Hoodie, and Jane and out of nowhere Y/N comes and sits on the couch right next to Toby and i give her a slight glare, but she ignored it like it was nothing..i swear i will chop her to peices one day...well at least when slender isnt home.

Your POV

I swear i think Clockwork doesnt like me...probably not but, i do know she has a slight crush on Toby so just for fun i always try to hang around him just to make Clockwork mad! But also i have these strange feelings whenever im around Clock...its like i just want to hug her from behind, well at least every time i walk behind her anyway.. But i think these strange feelings have something to do with me liking her but i just like her as a friend...right...? Anyway i was walking by Slenders office when he called my name "Y/N, come here please" "yes Slender?" "I have a mission for you to do for me..can you be able to do it?" I was shocked at Slenders words, i havent gone on a mission yet so this would be my first one! "Of course Slender, but who will be my partner?" "Well Clockwork is a very good guide and good at escaping from the authorities so i picked her to be your partner" i froze in my tracks..i mean Clockwork being MY partner for my FIRST mission?? Im actually really happy about it but im not sure how Clockwork will react to it though..

Clockwork's POV

I was sitting in Slenders office after he had called me to go over. It was silent for a long time and to be honest i thought i was in trouble for breaking one of the mansion windows but Slender finally spoke, "Clockwork i have to say i am pretty disappointed in you for breaking one of the windows.." Damnit i thought he wouldnt find out but hes Slenderman soo that happened "im so sorry Slender the crowbar slipped out of my hand and--" "But, thats not why you are here. You are here for a mission i have for you to do" i shut my mouth about the broken window and listened to see who would be my partner and where the target would be located " partner?" "Y/N will be your partner and your target will be located at the arcade tonight at 8:00" "wait wait wait...Y/N is my partner?!" I slouched down in the chair i was in and started mumbling "Why the fuck is she my partner?! I hate her!" "Why do you hate her? Whats wrong with her?" "She's a little shit!"

Your POV

"She's a little shit!" I heard Clockwork yell while she was arguing with Slenderman "Clockwork calm down its not like its the end of the world" "but it is the end of the world Slender!! She's annoying as hell! She's just gonna mess it up!" "And so what if she does? Its her first mission" "And thats one of the reasons why she's gonna mess up!" I was heartbroken after hearing those words.. I couldnt listen to anymore of Clockwork having a temper blow out so i ran to my room, slammed the door shut, and cried until there was no tears left...

Killing Kate's POV

I was walking past Y/N's room and stopped to hear her crying. I had knocked on the door "Y/N..are you in there?" "Go away" i heard her say and i finally opened the door "oh..its just you" she said while wiping her tears away "whats wrong Y/N?" "What? Nothing is wrong.." "C'mon Y/ were crying, just tell me whats wrong." "Well..i overheard Clockwork arguing with Slenderman about me..and the things she said hurt me..and i thought Clockwork was probably my only friend...but now i really know how she feels about me, and we have to go on a mission together.. But i would rather cry instead of going with Clockwork at all." I stared at Y/N just replaying her sentence over and over again in my mind, and dont get me wrong i fell bad for Y/N but i dont think Clockwork is going to have a loving heart anymore. And i also think that Y/N will be looking forward to 8:00 either..

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