Chapter Seven: Running Away

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I ran and ran as far as i could go. I stopped to take a breath and hoped i was far from the mansion. Turns out i barely went anywhere! I vould still see the mansion lights. It was like i kept running in circles and then i hear people calling my name in the distance. I reconized everyones voice except for one? It was a girl voice kind of deep too.. Could it really be... Clock looking for me..?

Clock's POV

To be honest i did start looking for Y/N. I guess i shouldve been nicer to her but she needs to learn that she cant get everything she wants! A couple hours have passed by and i started to get a feeling that i thought i never would have gotten.. At least not for Y/N. At first i didnt know what kind of feeling this was but then i realized: could i be.. Worried for her? After realizing that i was worried, my chest was tightening up and it was hard to breathe. I tried to unzip my jacket and take it off but i was too shaky i felt weak and felt like screaming and grasping for air but i couldnt.. All of a sudden i felt dizzy and everything was blurry and i couldnt see in a straight line. I felt like i was getting all the air kicked out of me all i heard was a voice in my head saying to try and breathe and that the others are coming. I heard running towards me and yelling. But the next thing i knew, i had blacked out. I woke up on the living room couch with Grinny staraing at me like a hawk. I yelped and Jane and Kate came running down the stairs while BEN, Jeff, and Toby were sitting on the floor next to the couch. "Clock are you ok?? What happened?" Jane asked in worry still shoken up by Y/N's getaway. "Yeah im fine.. Just Grinny again. But what the hell happened?" "You had an axiety attack in the woods.. A bad one too" "how long was i out? We need to look for Y/N" "oh someone cares now" Jeff smirks "shut up before i slice you!" "Id like to see you try Natilie!" "Alright then Jeffery! Lets go!" I get up and hardly shoves Jeff making him fall over as he tries to hit me and i grab his arm and pin it to his back making him squirm and struggle "hey! Calm down everyone!" I heard Jane yell as Kate starts to shake and stare in horror as BEN and Toby try to make me let go of Jeff's arm and get me off him. BEN pulls Jeff his way and Toby pulls me his way making me let go. Jeff tells BEN to let him go as hes already calmed down. I try to tell Toby to let go but he has an iron grip on me. He holds me until i calm down finally and lets me go gently. "How are we ever going to find Y/N if Jeff and Clock are wrestling each other, Kate shaking and breathing heavily, and Toby and BEN standing around trying to stop fights which is helpful but still!" Jane had a point.. A good one. Me and Jeff stare each other down not long before Slender comes in the room"i need you guys to stop acting wildly and find Y/N now!" He disapears as we all shudder and go out in the rain.


i have no idea where im going yet but ill go somewhere i know that! Im actually kind of scared to go away and out of the Slender Woods and then i heard a strange noise. "H-hello??" I hear footsteps and leaves crunching "why hello Y/N i see you dont have any friends?" I turn around and see a creature crawling with huge claws and i grab my bad to get my knife out "where is it.. Oh no... I left my weapons at the house!!" "Too bad you dont have anyone to help... Such a shame" "l-leave me al-lone please.."  "I hope you like Zalgo..." The creature laughs crazily and i feel pain in my leg as i look down and blood is gushing "p-please what do you want from me??" I start crying in pain and the creature takes me away from the woods and leaves. I feel dizzy from blood loss and i think.. Is this it? Is this the end for me? Are Clockwork and the others coming for me? All i know that i have no idea where this monster is taking me but i am terrifired while blood is leaving my leg and crying in terror... Please someone... Come save me and take me back...

A/N hey guys! I finally updated! The next chapter will be out soon and if you guys have any ideas or requests tell me and ill try to make it happen! See you all in Chapter Eight! 💙

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