Chapter Nine: Is She Okay??

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Clocks POV

I was walking outside in the woods. Slender didn't let me go on missions but he let me get some fresh air every once in a while. I went down to a river where only me, and Ej knew. I heard footsteps and sure enough, it was Ej. "Hey Clock" "hey Ej." "What's wrong?" "Nothing just enjoying the view" the view was actually beautiful.  Just like Y/N's ocean blue eyes. I remember how she would look at me. I would always let her down. So many crazy things have happened so far. I can't keep track with it all. I just want all of this to fucking end! Ej had broke the silence finally- "hey you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine. Just worried a bit" we both heard footsteps and got up. I saw the shadow coming closer to us. Then.. I felt something in my body that made me go insane, I jaded tackled the shadow that was coming towards me and Ej. "The hell Clock??" Turns out it was just Toby. "Sorry.. How did you find us?" "Easy, it rained t-the other ni-ight so there's s-still mud" "oh.. Right" "view i-is beautiful h-huh?" "Yeah" Ej stared at at us for a long moment "I'll leave you love birds alone" he chuckled and ran before I could catch him. Toby stared and laughed. "I actually w-want waffles ri-ight now" I just laughed and stared at his hazel eyes that were slightly glowing. He noticed me staring and smirked under his mouth guard. "Is th-here something w-wrong Clocky?" He smirked at me even more. "No I don't think so..." He flashed me a smile under his mouth guard and pulled it off. "Why'd you take it off?" "Because I can" "Ticci.. Tell me" "fine, I'll show you instead.." He gently put his hand on my chin to lift up my head and put his lips against mine. At first I was really shocked but then of course kissed back, he put his arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck, he ended up deepening the kiss, making it more passionate. My pale face had turned red and I could feel Toby smirk against my lips. He had flipped me over to where my back was to the ground, he took off my navy blue jacket, he took off his sweater, showing his black short sleeve he had under. We broke the kiss to get air, "you know Clocky, I've been waiting to do that for a while" my face flushed into a deeper red, which he enjoyed. I had lifted myself up a little to where I could reach him, he kissed back and pinned me to the ground, he started to kiss my neck until he found my sweet spot, biting it leaving a small bruise. He lifted me back up to where we were both sitting, and kissed me again,  sliding his tounge across my bottom lip begging for an entrance, I playfully denied and he made a low growl, he started to rub my stomach making me gasp, as he took his chance to slide his tounge in. We made out under the starry night sky, until we heard a flash. We both jumped and broke the kiss, looking around. Then we heard a glitchy and deep familiar voices. BEN and Jeff. "Check out the new wedded couple!" Jeff yelled. "Jeff.. Come here you little shit!" Me and Toby ran after BEN and Jeff as they ran laughing and coughing at the same time. The slit mouth creep and the elf were playing games. Toby had catching up to BEN and taking him down. "Wheres the phone?!" "Jeff has it man!" Toby looked at me, I gave Jeff a glare and he gave a nervous laugh and took off. I ran after him turning the other way. He had his flash on, i had ran distantly in front of him and waited.

Toby's POV

I still had BEN pinned to the ground, making the grip more loose because of my stupid twitches. Me and BEN both looked up in surprise to hear a scream. I let BEN  go and we both ran to make sure Clock didn't slice Jeff's throat.

Jeff's POV

I was running until I saw the bright green eye. I flashed my flash (don't mind me) and saw Clock standing there with her head tilted and smiling. I screamed as she pounced on me bringing the knife up to my throat. "shit..." "Give it to me" "give you what?" "THE DAMN PHONE" I could tell she wanted me dead. But right before she could slice me, Toby and BEN came running. BEN helped me up while Toby got Clock off of me. Shit one crazy time. Clock stood silent for a moment and we all wondered what was going on in that twisted mind of hers. She then made her move, and fast too. She snatched my phone out of my hand and tried to delete the picture but it was already sent to everyone. Including Y/N. I gave her a smirk. And she glared. And threw my phone into the river. Well shit.


I was walking around the place I call my new home. I don't think I'll like here as much either but, eh who cares anymore. I had gotten Jeff's picture and stared at it for a long time. I had cried a bit realizing she didn't care about me after all. Stripes then came in and I got up. "Zalgo needs you." I walked to where Zalgo was located and talked. "You needed me?" He spoke in a deep spOokY voice. "Child, you are one of us now. You belong more here than with the enemy" enemy? I thought. What does he mean by the enemy? I knew that Slender and Zalgo never got along but.. Enemies? I didn't want to be here.. I wanted to be back at the mansion, trying to make moves on Clock, having Jeff try to kiss me, talk to Jane and Lulus about everything... I miss all of them.. I need to find a way out of here.. But how? If I got the picture that Jeff sent me, maybe I could still try to text him? Nah that's not gonna work... He won't answer me. Clock won't answer, and I don't have have Jane and Lulu's numbers. So many things are happening.. I just wanna go home. I want to go back to how things were. I hope I get out of here soon.. I need to make a plan to get last them though.. But how? Oh! "Zalgo.." "Yes child?" "I heard you have a daughter at the enemy's mansion.." "Yeah so?" "I can get her back for you! I mean.. If youre cool with that" "hmm" "please Zalgo? I won't fail you." "Alright you can go get her in three days. Do not fail me, child" "I wont." I finally have a way to get out of this hellhole!! Lazari is the perfect excuse! I know she means alot to Stripes.. I can just say I'll get her back then go back to the mansion! Hopefully nothing goes wrong..

Clocks POV

After throwing Jeff's phone, he glared at me and ran back to the mansion. Me and Toby stared at each other and blushed. BEN spoke "so, new couple in the house, huh?" Me and Toby blushed more as I covered my face "yeah, finally" Toby said all confident. "Cool" BEN ran after Jeff. Toby removed my hands from my face "hey don't c-cover your self, yo-ou're too beautiful to h-hide" I looked at him and gave him a smile. He kissed me once more and then held my hand on the walk home.
I still thought about Y/N though.. Will we ever really find her? And is she alive still? Too many stuff going through my mind...

A/N: haiiii I finally updated!  You're welcome -3- I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, I will try to update more! Luv you guys!  💙

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