Chapter 5: No Missions, No Getaway

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Clocks POV

What the hell does Slenderman think in his teisted mind?! Like no missions anymore until im healed?! Ugh! I cant stand to be stuck in the mansion with everyone going out on Friday nights and dumb shit like that but still! I actually want to get out of here! I want to especially get away because Y/N is also stuck in the house.. Well house arrest for breaking three windows. So now im stuck with Y/N everyday until i get healed just enough to go out and go on a killing spree. God i need to get out of this damn house!

Your POV

Well im under hpuse arrest because of the window incident soo that happened. But the good thing is is that im here with Clockwork but sjes not happy with mopping around the house while everyone is out doing their own thing. Especially with me in the house too. I want to get along with her but i cant. She wont try to get along with me even if it was the last day on earth! Thats when i saw her walking in the kitchen "hey Clockwork! Hpws it going?" "Just go away Y/N! I dont need you making my days in the mansion even worse." "Just trying to say hi thats it! "And im just trying to say.. Go. Away!" The words stung and hit me like a car.. Clock rolled her one emerald green eye while the other eye just ticked. By that i knew my time was almost up from her. I should know.. She puts me on a timer and if i dont leave before the time goes off, she will chop my head off... Lterally. So i walk off feeling myself tearing up but i fight my tears back while i go upstairs to my room.

Clock's POV

Y/N goes off to her room. Thank god. Then i see Jeff standing across from me "can i help you?" "Why did you have to do Y/N like that?? Shes been trying to get along with you for so long and you ignore it!" "Ok first off youre starting to piss me off second, why do you care? You never care." "Thats not me that you who never cares" "whatever but why do you care if i ignore her or not?" Jeff was quiet for a minute and before he could answer Kate came in. "Jeff lets go we have a mission today remember?" I glared at both of them "yup have fun on the mission" Jeff replied with a grin on his stupid pale face "oh we will knowing we will be killing your worst enemy from highschool!" I growled while i pinned him to the wall trying to get a knife out but Kate stopped me before i could "Calm down Clock! Let him go. You can deal with him later after we come back" "What?!" "Ok then ill see you later Jeff better be prepared to go against me" i smirked while Jeff shuddered and ran out the door while Kate winked at me and followed Jeff out. God i still cant wait to get away and get out of this fucking house!

Sorry that it was kinda short guys! I had to hurry and do something cus i made a promise to my best friend to update so sorry again for the chapter being short but ill make it longer next time i update! Baiii

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