Chapter Sixteen: I'm so sorry..

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I still couldn't believe that Ej was gone.. It was a shock to me. But then again.. I never knew why or how he died. Jeff just said he found him at the end of the hallway, dead. I tried asking Slender but he said the same thing. I even asked Clock even though I was terrified of her now. She also said the same exact thing. She started to shake after she replied to me though. It made me wonder. She always shook when she was nervous about something or was scared. I looked at her and she focused on the TV. "Clockwork. Look at me" she hated when I called her by her full killing name. But for once, she didn't even flinch a bit at the name. Now there was something definitely wrong. And every time someone asked her or Jeff or slender what happened to Ej, they would all do their things that they do when they get nervous. Jeff will start fiddling with the ends of his sleeves of his hoodie, slender will keep trying to fix his tie on his suit, and clock will just shake. They're very good at hiding it though, and Clock and Jeff are one of the strongest pastas in the mansion. Clock kept shaking until it got to the point where it was so bad that it was visible. She finally got up and ran to the restroom upstairs. I could hear her vomiting as I backed away from the door. She needed time to herself..

Clocks POV

There I was, in the restroom, puking. "Fuck.." I sighed. The truth is not gonna be hidden forever.. Jesus... 'Ej.. I'm so fucking sorry for what I did.. You did not deserve any of it..' I thought. I was in the restroom for the longest time and didn't want to come out. I just didn't feel like myself. Not after being in the room. Not after being in my own room and I never wanted to do anything around that long, dark, wide hallway. I needed to get away from the mansion for a while. I couldn't stay in there. I'm still not fully healed and I didn't care what Slender said for shit. I slowly walk out the restroom to see Y/N standing there waiting for me, I brush past her. I didn't want to be at the mansion, I didn't want anyone else to get killed, not after what I did to Ej. He didn't deserve it. Ej should be alive right now but no. I grab my stuff and walks out the mansion with Hoodie trying to stop me "you can't leave until your healed, Clock" "well, I feel fine now. I don't need to be here for a while.." I walk out the mansion with tears forming in my one emerald green eye. I leave the mansion and goes off in the woods, now that I had another form, I could sense the Hell Hounds. I wasn't afraid, I wasn't backing down, I fucking won't give up. I walk in the woods hearing rustling. I turn quickly as I feel a cold breeze near the back of my neck, I turn the other way as everything around me slowly starts to burn, the grass turning brown and the trees dying in one pathway, I stare at the tall trees dying 'what..' I thought. I look up and sees a tall black and red figure with horns, I panic, I slowly feel a sharp pain going down my spine as I try to turn around but something has me in their grip. I look up as I see mouths on the figures arm and their actual mouth on their face with a big creepy grin. Zalgo...

A/N: hey I haven't updated in a while, ive been busy with school shit and I apologize lmao hope you enjoyed this chapter

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