Chapter Twenty: Car Problems

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Clocks POV

I had to be stuck in a car for a couple hours while everyone else stayed at the resort. I was pretty pissed off. I was stuck in the car with a car sick barfer and a couple brats/idiots. I was upset like I said. I was stuck sitting next to Jeff, which usually wouldn't be a bad thing but when it comes to car rides, everyone stations away from him. He was awake for the car trip to the resort for thirty minutes and then fell asleep the rest of the way, thank god. He gets VERY car sick VERY easily. And he had got done napping for an hour and was full of energy. Which meant there was no way he could fall asleep on this car ride around the town. Everyone played Rock Paper Scissors to see who had to sit next to jeff, and I lost. Jeff understood so he wasn't offended. He sat where Slender told him to that would give him a least chance to puke a lot at least. Slender walked to the passenger seat as Hoodie drove. Everything was fine for a good while until thirty minutes into the car ride around town. I noticed Jeff was starting to look uneasy as his face turned into a very light shade of green. It was tinted on his face as I placed my hand on his to help him calm down, his eyes were wandering everywhere as his head slowly started to sway side to side all the pastas that went on the car ride all looked his way as they stared at him with a worried look. I could tell he was swallowing his own puke as Ann got Slender. Slender teleported in and walked in front of Jeff to have him focus on something and quick. He kept swallowing his puke as he flinched at the taste every time. He was started to shake and get energetic and tried to move a lot instead of staying still to keep calm. I squeezed his hand to make him stay still as he suddenly clenched his fists hard and once I looked over, I saw him puke everywhere all in the limo as Slender stared in disbelief. Jeff was certainly feeling better but still a bit queasy. Slender has cleaned everything up, including Jeffery. I cleaned the rest off of the sleeve of my jacket. Jeff can last at least one or two hours in the car but if it's more than two hours, everyone was fucked. I noticed whenever he somewhat ends up getting sick somehow, his mood swings are fucking BAD. Everyone grew frightened to hear jeff groan in anger immediately after he was forced to lay down because of slender. Even Slender stepped back quickly. I scooted over a lot to avoid getting stabbed or hit. I looked at the window to somehow see Ej staring back with his black empty sockets. My eye widened as it filled with tears as I fought it back. His ghostly figure seemed to have giggled a little at the scene as I saw him creep closer to me and put his ghostly hand on my shoulder as he smiled and disappeared. I shook my head hard as I kept what I saw to myself for the ride to the resort. By the time we got there, someone was either wounded or just bruised. And in this case, I was bruised from trying to help Jeff calm down and he whacked my stomach HARD. I came out the limo holding my stomach and groaning in pain. I clutched it tight as Y/N came running towards me. "What happened?? Whats wring??" "Jeff happened" Ann said from behind and Y/N growled. "I swear I'll fucking-" "don't touch him... he just got car sick and after that fiasco, his mood swings kicked in and I made him mad.." Y/N sighed in disappointment as she put her arm around me and took me inside.


We were all on patrol to watch Jeff to see if was to wake up and attack someone. It was my turn and by the time it was my turn to watch him, I was gonna try to be somewhat flirty but he was dead asleep. I sighed and got on my phone, bored. Lulu came downstairs to chill with me while I watched the sleepless psychopath. i stayed silent at first before lulu decided to say anything. "Do you think he had interest in someone?" My eyes widened "what?" "Do you think Jeff likes someone?" "Oh.. maybe" I looked to the side as she groaned quietly. "Of course!" She said, kinda loud as I blinked a couple times. I watched as he woke up and I got up. "You awake now Sleeping Beauty?" "Shut up.." I heard a ruffled answer as I laughed quietly "figured.." Lulu was slouching back as she became bored. "Do we both have to stay here?" "Not really. You can go if you really want to unless you want to stay around and tend to be bored." I guess I accidentally came off rude since Lulu stood up and growled slightly as walked away with her fists clenched. I shrugged it off and stayed with Jeff as he turned to face me "why did I have to wake up to you?" "Dunno. Maybe if you didn't go stir crazy, this wouldn't be happening." "Well fuck that" I rolled my eyes as I looked at Jeff look at the ceiling of the cabin as I yawned. "Hopefully SOMEONE ELSE can come watch me instead" "yeah hopefully." I growled as I could feel his dead eyes staring into my soul from behind me as it burned. "You're okay, just chill out. You're like a male on his period." Jeff rolled his eyes as I got up to get something to drink and came back with him gone. I dropped my glass cup of water and started searching the caning inside out but didn't find him as I finally dressed up to Clock "WHAT!?" She shouted as I flinched "I know I know! I just went to get a drink and came back and poof! He disappeared!" "Y/N this is why we say for you to ALWAYS stay in the same room as him!" She shot up and ran out of her room, gathering some other pastas as they searched the inside of the cabin. I groaned loudly and plopped on my bed. "Just great.."

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