Chapter three: The Mission

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Your POV

I sat in my room sulking for a while until my alarm went off.."ugh..please dont tell me its 8:00..." It was 8:00 as figured. I got up to wash my face until i saw jeff standing in the corner looking at me "well well well...does the little princess have to go on a mission with not so princess?" He smirked while saying this and it sent shivers down my spine "what does it matter to you?" "Oh, looks like the princess isnt very happy.." He walked up to me and slammed me against the wall "Jeff what the hell?!" I was fixing to cuss him out until i felt his lips press against mine and i tried to push him off but he had an iron grip. "Jeff you fucker! Get OFF!" i kicked him and he let go trembling in pain as i ran to the next floor.

Clock's POV

I hid behind a wall when i saw Y/N running away from Jeff after kicking him. I saw Y/N have tears steaming from her eyes and coming down her cheeks. I walked to the darkest corner and waited until Jeff had noticed. "HOLYFUCKINGSHITBALLS!!" "Chill its just me dumbass" "oh what now?" "Dont think that i didnt see what just happen to secretly be a raper i swear!" "So what i tried to make out with her? You made her upset." "I dont really care if i made her upset or not, i dont why shes even a killer." "Whatever..have fun with your mission but not too much fun..i dont want you to waste her energy before she gets back.." "Youre disgusting" i say before i walk down the stairs. I grab my two knives and walk out the door to see no one waiting outside "i swear Y/N needs to be more responsible instead of crying her eyes out.."

Your POV

I finally have the courage to open the door and wait outside but...Clockwork beat me to it "what took you so long? Sleeping beauty couldnt wake during her hundred years of sleep?" She rolled her green eye and started walking away from the mansion and soon out the woods. She had been walking in front of me and i stayed as far as i could away from her...the last thing i need is to be hurt by her again and literally get snapped in half.. "I heard what you said when you and Slender where arguing.." I said trying not to stutter "oh yeah? So what? Its all true and you know it. I honestly dont care about it" "you dont care about anything at all do you?! You just care about yourself! Well ill tell you one thing..i dont care about you!" "Oh really? So if you dont care about me, then why are you bringing this up and is so concerned about who and who i not care about?" I went silent for a moment "im not even sure why Slenderman let you in the mansion..he even said it himself, that we should have killed you when we got the chance..and i agree with him" I felt my heart break even more and for the rest of the mission, it was silent and was obvious Clockwork won that argument..

Clock's POV

Y/N stayed quiet for the rest of the mission and i handled most of the mission while she stood there with tears in her eyes. I could tell ive hurt her badly these past 3 days but can you blame me? I honestly didnt care if i hurt her or not. It started raining on our way back to the mansion And thats when Y/N started to cry more. I guess she thought her tears could blend in with the rain drops but i wasnt worried about it and ran off wothout her noticing and i heard her freaking out from behind and she started running in my direction but i made it to the mansion usual.

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