Chapter Thirteen: The Man outside..

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Clock had got her weapons out and ready after the window shattered. I had nothing on me at the time. Idiot. I was scared out of my mind and looked back at Clock I could see her fear in her one green eye. She looked at me and gestured me to Go up a couple of steps on the stairs. I was still freaking out as she told me to try not and scream. How the hell am I supposed to not freak out?! She may be used to this but I'm not!! "What about you??"I whispered to her. "Don't worry just stay up there and be safe" her words sent bad thoughts running through my mind. 'Is she not going to be safe??' I thought. I got even more worried.. You can't say that to the person who secretly loves you! I couldn't stand those words. Put I didn't wanna piss her off either. So I stayed there. She then walked to the double doors and went outside. I freaked and ended up following her. I was silently following her making sure she didn't hear me. I then looked around the corner to see a strange man in a grey suit. I stared at it for a long time hoping it would disappear. Clock then stepped on a stick making a loud -crack- the strange man looked our way. Until it wasn't a man.. It was a girl.. She then charged at Clock with a knife and was ready to stab her. Clock ran after her and put her in a headlock. The female then escaped from it and ran after her. Clock wasn't paying attention and I panicked and pushed her out of the way.  I then felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I fell onto the ground and blacked out.

Clocks POV

I felt something push me out the way and fell hard. I then looked up and heard a loud scream and saw Y/N fall to the ground. The figure ran out of the woods leaving me and Y/N I froze and stared at her shaking body on the ground. I then picked her up and went back to the mansion. Still no one was home, they would be out for hours. It was then dark outside and me and Y/N were in my room watching tv. Y/N earlier had told me that she was scared to be in her room alone so I let her in mine. I then looked over at her to see she was still shaking a bit, I saw her hand laying somewhat beside me. I decided to put my hand on top of hers to make her feel a bit better. She looked at me with light pink spread across her face. "Clock..." She said before climbing over to me and smashing her lips into mine. I slowly started to kiss back with a dark red color spreading over my face. We made out for a while until she climbed on top of me "Y/N.." "Don't worry it'll be fine" she said with lust in her eyes. I looked into her ocean blue eyes


Clocky stared at mw for a while before lifting herself up to kiss me once more. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier" she said with a light frown. "Its ok my Clocky" I said smiling at her. i went down and started to kiss her neck until a moan escaped from her lips I knew I found her sweet spot and started to bite and suck on it while she turned into a moaning mess. I smirked against her neck as I flipped her to be on top of me, trying to ignore the fact on how tall she was. She then started to tease and bite my neck "d-dont tease.." I said trying to hold in my moans she frowned a bit. She then kissed me deeply and roughly, I started to turn into the moaning mess that she once was "ah~" I've wanted this for a while but I never thought it would really happen. I was jumping with joy inside. my thoughts were interrupted by her tounge sliding across my bottom lip. I playfully denied, giggling into the kiss just to mess with her. She growled deeply but lowly and bit my bottom lip making me yelp, as she took that chance to slip her tounge in. She explored every inch of my mouth, claiming her territory. i started to moan loudly as we both quickly broke the kiss, hearing the mansion doors open. We then fixed our positions to as we were before. Slender walked in to check on us, seeing us laying down, watching a scary movie. He then nodded at Clock, closing the door. "We will finish this later" she said in a lustfully tone, winking. This had kinda turned me on but I let it go, nodding at her with a dark red appearing on my face, and a smirk appearing on hers.

A/N: hey guys! Sorry its been so long. I'll start having slow updates since school started and all. After I'm done with this story, which will be until a WHILE, I'm gonna make a Camp Camp story for anyone who knows it. Search it up on YouTube and watch it if you'd like. Just wear headphones while watching lmfao. Alright see y'all next time 💙

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