Chapter Fifteen: affected

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I was pacing back and forth in every room of the mansion, I don't know why but I was. I was getting a bit worried knowing that Clock hasn't come out of her room for the past two days. Some pastas tried opening her door but it was locked, others tried giving her food, the food was still outside her door. Even Slender tried teleporting into her room but immediately teleported back for unknown reasons that even he doesn't know. I go to her door and knocks "hey.. Its me Y/N..." I said, trying not to sound scared. There was no answer, only groans and mumbles. I decided to go and try to pick her lock. Once I did, I shakily opened her door and it was dark and I was hit with a wave of ice cold air that made the whole house freezing. Her door creaked just by a little and she quickly turned her head, popping her neck at the same time. All I could see was her messy brown hair and her glowing one eye. She tilted her head and I saw things in the corners of her room. I then saw a huge claw come out from behind her back and two razor sharp tendrils ripped through her shoulder blades and had struck me hard. I fell hardly on the wood floors and noticed myself bleeding from my stomach. I held onto it as Jane and Ej can rushing in "Y/N! Are you okay??" "What happened?? Whatd she do??" They all crowded me with a bunch of questions as I look at Clock and all I could see was a creepy, tilted smile as her door slammed by itself loudly. "What happened?" I heard BEN's glitchy voice from downstairs and could hear Toby's tics also. I started feeling dizzy and everything started to go black as Slender rushed to me and teleported everyone to the underground room that we only knew about. Nurse Ann was in there, sitting and once she had saw me, she ran to Slender and took me out of his arms and laid me on a bed. I felt more and more dizzy as I finally blacked out

Jeff's POV

I was standing in the corner of the long dark hallway that everyone was too afraid to go in. Im not gonna lie, I was scared shitless to go down there too! But I had to, for Y/N. Before she had blacked out, she told me she wanted me to check on her. Even though I was hesitant, I still said yes. I slowly walked down the creepy, pitch black hallway and I finally reached Clock's door. It was open but barely, it was cracked open enough for a small bug to creep in. I opened it a bit more, shaking as I could see her. Clock's back was faced to me and her light brown hair was everywhere and there was two large gnashes right underneath her shoulder blades, gushing blood. Ej soon followed and saw how Clock was doing. He went in the room but I gripped his arm "ow! Jeff what the fuck??" "Don't fucking go in there man. You saw what happened to Y/N! Do you wanna be in that same position too?!" My blood was now boiling at this point. I didn't want him to go in there, I didn't want him to get hurt. "Nothing bad is gonna happen!" He yanked his arm away and went inside. The door made a light creak noise and Clock viciously turned her head and all I could hear was a low growl coming from her. Ej went inside as he tried to stitch up her huge gnashes. A razor sharp like tendril, came from underneath her shoulder blades and hit Ej so hard that he flung to the wall. "EJ!!" I shouted as the door had slammed shut in my face. I heard screaming as I tried to open the door but it was locked. I pounded on the door three times and on the third time, it went silent. I put my ear up to the door, still shaking and I could hear muffled crying. The door opened by itself as Clock was standing there, tears rolling down her face and had one hand over her mouth as Ej laid on the ground, lifelessly, blood was everywhere and Ej had huge three holes in his chest and stomach area. I felt myself go paler than usual as I look at Clockwork "what did I do...??" She said, shakily, she was trying to keep her breathing under control but she couldn't. She then bolted out the room and went into the living room and sat on the couch hugging her knees. I went inside her room and there was broken glass and parts of furniture that was ripped apart. I go to Ej and sighed heavily as he was no longer with the pasta family anymore. I felt a small tear roll down my cheek as I sat next to Ej "I told you not to..." I whispered to myself and buried my face in my arms.

Clock's POV

I sat on the couch. Hugging my knees, crying. How could I have done that to Ej? After how close we both were?? What was happening to me? Was I gonna end up killing someone else too?? I don't know what the hell washed over me. I was just fine but then I felt that horrible feeling and felt something take over my body. I heard footsteps and looked up as I saw Jane run to me "are you okay??" She tried to run to me but I got up and backed away into the kitchen "don't come near me! Stay over there!" "W-what...?" I could tell Jane was broken. She was always my best friend. I didn't care what anyone said about her, she meant a lot to me. Tears formed in my eyes as I told her to not come anywhere near me. Jeff came down the stairs "Clock.. We need to get you to Slender.." jeff walked me to Slenders office as Jane stood in the living room, broken. Me and Jeff agreed that we wouldn't tell anyone what happened. We decided to say that I was knocked out and then woke up and Ej was thrown by something into a window. I still felt terrified of myself and what I now had. Slender sat me down and talked to me. I told him everything, even the truth about me killing Ej. He also promised he wouldn't say anything. "Child. That room may have affected you in some way of you having another side to you" "what do you mean?" "You have you moods and emotions but this.. This is a whole nother you. Whenever you feel frightened or threatened or angry enough, you go into a certain form." "So.. Youre saying since I got it after I went in that room... That the other form is like a demon thing..?" He nodded. I felt even more terrified that I felt something wash over me again as I tried to stop it. I grabbed my head as I heard chilling voices. Chills ran down my side as I felt pain on my upper back. "Control. Its all about control, Child." I heard Slender say as I looked up at him and growled lowly for what felt like forever. I was still recovering from the hellhound attack that happened a couple weeks ago. Now this?? Jesus Christ, I don't know how I'm gonna fucking survive. How am I gonna get through this? Will the others find out what really happened to Ej?

A/N: hey! Its been a LONG TIME. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever! I got in trouble the other day right when I was about to finish this story. I'm so sorry again guys, I'll try to update as much as I can before Monday. I hope you guys enjoyed this and I'll see y'all in chapter Sixteen!

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