Chapter Fourteen: Room 666

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Clock's POV

I was walking around the mansion, thinking that there was nothing to fucking do here. "UgH I need to get out this fucking hellhole" i said. I slouched on the couch. Since I still wasn't healed all the way, I couldn't go on missions or killing sprees. It ate me up inside but at least I had my Y/N at the mansion with me. She was injured as well but she was also afraid to go on missions or sprees by herself because of what happened with Zalgo and the Rake. I can't explain to you how bad I felt for her. I went up to her room and knocked and she let me inside "yes Clocky?" She asked. I smiled and locked her door. "You know there's no one here right?" She giggled, making me feel like an idiot. "You never know. Last time, BEN and Jeff were hiding in the room next to us and heard the whole thing and barged in here." I said, crossing my arms. "Fair enough but I watched them through the window and they left with Slender" she replied. I looked at her for a while and walked to her bed gently pushing her down. I got ontop of her and kissed her for a while until I went down to her neck. She became a moaning mess, just like how she was last time and rubbed her knee against my crotch making me moan a bit. I went back to kissing her. She tried to get me off so she could breathe but I played with her, having her moan instead of having her trying to get up. She then bit my tounge and I yelped and jumped off "ow! The hell Y/N?" "I needed to fucking breathe Clocky" she said smiling at me. "There's nothing here to do" I blurted out. "Only you would be bored" she said, messing up my brown hair. "Hey. Isn't there a forbidden room hidden somewhere in the mansion?" She said, my one green eye grew wide "I've only been in the a couple of times but new CUMers can't go in until they are fully trained" I said smirking. She knew what I meant and she smacked my arm "first my tounge now my arm?" I said "yep. You have a mouth on you" "and apparently, it goes on you too" I laughed and she punched my leg "so are we gonna go to the forbidden room or not?"


I watched Clockwork laugh instead of answering my question. "Yes or no??" I yelled. "Yeah yeah. Cmon" she said trying to catch her breath. We walked down a long flight of stairs and I grew tired. "What's the room called?" I asked, she gave me a blank stare and said "Room 666" she said. As soon as I heard the name, it sent a sharp chill down my spine. I started to shake, and wanted to turn back. I knew she had bad history with the room. I heard about the room from Jeff. I didn't know if he was lying or not. Turns out he wasn't, clock didn't want to talk about what was in the room or anything. "when she went in, she came back shaking with blood all over her" I heard a faded voice, jeff's voice. I shuddered at the words. I was now scared for her. "We are here" she said, making me snap out of my thoughts. The was a worn down wooden door with a label saying in blood red letters "Room 666, where all your nightmares come true, and where the demon haunts you" the sign read. I started to really shake now. I looked up at Clockwork, her cat like eye pupil became smaller, having worry in her eye. She hesitantly reached for the knob. I could tell she didn't wanna go inside. I dragged her into this mess, I can't turn back now. Whoever turns back from the room, is haunted and will get injured enough to bleed to death. I wondered, is that why Clock never went back when the other pastas forced her to come with them only because she knew that place inside out? "We can go back if you want.." I said "its too late Y/N. you can't turn back once you get to the sixth floor." She said in a serious tone. So serious that it sounded like she was in a trance. I shaked once Clock opened the door and went in first. I went behind her. She took out her two special knives, only used for when shes fighting something big. I was scared once she took the out. Her hair covered her one eye. Only leaving the visible Clock that was stuck in her eye. I've never seen her like this. She went to the left and told me to go to the right because it was safer. I listened and went right, now regretting that I said anything about the room. I was scared. I started to tear up, I wanted to cry out of fear from being alone in this dark, red, evil place. I could hear demons voices and there was some cold spots, and others warm. I could see shadow figures walk towards where Clock was. I felt like I was gonna die here. I was so scared.. I then heard a yelp and Clock came to me and pulled me out the room, holding her stomach, she was bloody and had tears rolling down her eyes. She looked like Carrie from the horror movie where Carrie got pig blood dumped all over her at prom. We ran up the stairs, clock was leaving bloody hand and footprints on the floor and walls. I knew when the pastas came home, they would flip and turn the mansion upside down trying to figure out what happened. I was panicking. I couldn't handle it. We made it to the mansion living room and she boarded the door back up just like how it was before. Now I know why Slender boarded up that part of the mansion. Clock ran to her room and went in her bathroom. I stayed outside her room door. I could hear her breathing heavily and crying, she was mumbling something that I couldn't make out. I remember Jeff saying that every time she comes back from the room, she's not herself for the next two weeks. It wears off after the two weeks. He never told me how she acted during  those weeks though.. I was too nervous to find out anyway... But I still wondered, it had some different affect on every pasta. I just wonder what affect it has on her..

A/N: hey guys. I did update my story like I said I would. I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'll be back with another one soon and I'm sorry for slow updates. I'll try to post as soon as I can. Bye guys ❤

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