Chapter Six: Everything Gone Wrong

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I stare out the window while a thunderstorm is going on and see figures moving i open the window and shine a light on the shadows "what the.." "Oh hey clock!" Jeff says while him, BEN Drowned and Smile Dog are wrestling in the mid and Jane, Lulu, and Grinny the Cat just laugh the whole time not even noticing im there. I go downstairs and grab my jacket and go outside and sit on the porch with the girls and Grinny. The cat leaps on my lap while nibbling on my jacket sleeve. Jane speaks "how are things with Y/N?" "Y/N? Well she tried talking to me but i told her to go away. Yall know i dont want her around and that i hate her" "still try to give her a chance" "why should i? She never did anything for me" Lulu looks up and asks "so what do yall think of the weather tonight?" "Eh its alright. But it feels good to get out of the house and get fresh air" "how is the house?" Jane giggles "the same old boring place that it was before" we all laugh but hears a low growl and everything grows silent. So silent that you can hear my clock ticking. "Was that Smile growling like that?" BEN looks in return "no he wouldnt unles.." We all stare at each other with eyes growing bigger. All: "The Rake". We all try to beat each other to the front door as Jane makes it first and shoots open the mansion doors while Lulu quickly grabs Grinny and Jeff grabing Smile by his spiked dog colar and BEN quickly wipping all the mud off of himself while i ran straight in. The three proxies stare at us in confusion "whats wrong with yall? Storm jitters again?" I cant see it but i know that he is making a dumbass smirk under his black and white mask "For r-real. What u-up with you gu-uys? Toby says while twitching at the same time. Hoody laughs in his echoing like voice as they try to go towards the doors "No! Stop!" I yell throwing my arm in front of Toby's chest. "Why w-whats wro-ong?" "We think The Rake is in our woods" Lulu speaks up. "Again? Alright we will get some pastas on alert" Hoody says "But who?" I ask. Masky replies "Sad Dog, Smile Dog, and me" "alright have fun" i say.


I go downstairs hearing their conversation "The Rake is out again??" I ask in worry. Everyone in the room turns and gives me different looks. Of course, Clock glares.. "I can help!" "Sorry Y/N. But we got this covered. Thanks for the participation though" Masky says. "..oh.. Sure no problem.." I say. Clockwork whistles and another dog comes their way. Ive never seen this dog before though. "Sad and Smile come with me outside" Masky says as Jeff waves Smile goodbye. He is such a drama queen... I stand with the rest of the pastas while Hoody went to tell Slender about The Rake wondering in the woods. Its been a year since ive been here but Clock still hates my guts. As i realize something about the date tonight.. And i run with tears streaming down my face. Then an idea came in my head: clock never liked me.. I dont belong here and ive tried for too long.. What if i leave..? Forever..?

Clock's POV

I see Y/N run upstairs wondering, what could she be crying about now? But i realized something and face palmed: This is the night we found her.. Its been a full year since we had brought her here and just like it was before, a stormy summer night. But i dont get why shes crying though. Typical Y/N. I roll my eye at the thought.
20 minutes later...
Everyone decides to just sit and watch scary movies. We are all tired of standing and waiting. Lulu went to go upstairs to get Y/N to watch movies with us even though i told her not too. About 5 minutes later, Lulu comes downstairs filled with worry. BEN askes whats wrong and what she said made all of our eyes grow wide "Y/N ran away.." Jane shoots up "WHAT?! how are you so sure?!" "I went up to her room and her window was open and her closet was empty.. But her weapons were left ons her dresser.." "I swear if this is a joke Lulu.." "I-its not i s-swear!" Lulu and Y/N were best friends. And Jane AND Jeff had a crush on her so they were shook. Me and BEN? Not so much. We started hearing grunting and what sounded like struggling? We went outside and couldnt BELIEVE what we all saw.. We all stared in horror! There he was.. Masky lying on the porch floor covered in blood and Smile Dog lying on the floor trying to catch his breathe and bleeding a bit from his back left leg. Sad Dog was growling badly and was barking rapidly straight ahead. Jeff and Toby carried Masky inside and down to the basment to jave Dr. Smiley or Nurse Ann to examine. As i carried Smile Dog inside and layed him on the table and stopped the bleeding from his leg and also took him down to the basment. Everyone was in shock. Jane was crying, Lulu was breathing heavily, Jeff was shaking, me and BEN just stood there. The only calm ones. This is what happens when you get too close to a newby. Then i wondered: why would Y/N run away? And why the hell did The Rake come back? So many questions but so many not answered...

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