Chapter Twelve: Well Shit...

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I woke up the next morning on the couch and slowly got up and stretched my arms out. NY head was still sore from last nights visit with the tree. I got up and walked to see everyone asleep on the floor. I saw Jeff laying on his stomach, he was awake but couldn't move since he had a sleeping BEN on top of him. "Y'all two look so cute" I whispered and Jeff's pale face had now a tinted pink color spread across, but glaring at the same time "shut up" he replied. I had giggled a bit and looked to see who else crashed on da floor. I saw Lj sleeping while Sally was clenching on to her stuffed bear and Lj at the same time, Ej had a half eaten kidney in his hand, Masky and Hoodie were facing separate sides of each other quietly fighting over the blanket. Smile had randomly jumped on the couch and quickly fell asleep. I'm guessing Lulu and Jane went to their rooms. But lastly, I saw Toby wrapping his arms around Clock. Damn everyone must have been so tired that we didn't bother to change out of our regular clothes. Some of them, covered in blood even. I try to remember what happened last night, but I couldn't. My was hurting badly, and I happened to see beer bottles knocked over on the floor. Huh, a bunch of drunk teens last night. Everyone was dead asleep, except me and Jeff, who was asking me for help. I rolled my eyes at him and helped BEN off of him. "I owe you one" "uh how?" "BEN always falls asleep on me. No one ever helps so I usually wait until he wakes up which takes forever" "well you are an asshole" I laughed as he rolled his non -lided eyes. Me and Jeff walked in the kitchen, being as quiet as possible. Why you ask? One loud noise, will set off the whole mansion, waking everyone up. And they ALL come to the kitchen FIRST thing in the morning. Me and Jeff had to tip toe across the kitchen to get the food that we wanted. His raven black hair was messy and so was my dirty blonde hair. I was getting a bowl for my cereal, but then I accidentally knocked down a glass cup. Jeff tried catching it before it hit, but it was too late.. *shatter* the glass went everywhere across the kitchen, and that exact moment I knew.. I fucked up. (Get it? Vine? No?.... Ok)  right when me and Jeff turned around, everyone was awake with their messy hair of their own. They looked at me and Jeff as we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Shit. Everyone was waking up. Before me and him knew it- the kitchen was a mad house. There was pushing, yelling, screaming even, hitting, almost stabbing, arguing. Man. I just wanted some cereal..

Clock's POV

I woke up again with Toby hugging me but also to sound of breaking glass. Of course so did everyone else in the living room. We all still had weapons on us so we got them prepared. Until we fully stood up and saw Jeff and Y/N standing there, frozen. We then heard the others coming downstairs so the rest of us ran into the kitchen and tried to get our stuff before anyone else did. Slender even had woken up by the loud racket. Typical mornings.. After that was all over, the proxies and everyone else had their missions to do. I was still stuck at the house. Not alone though. Y/N was there with me. We sat on the couch, being lazy. Until Y/N spoke. "Why don't we just go through everyone's stuff?" "You're crazy" "no I'm serious! They're gonna be gone for a while." "Alright fine." I sighed and got up to go upstairs and started with the second floor. "How about Jane' room?" I nodded my head as we entered inside. Her room looked the same as most of ours. We walked around, opening drawers and closets. "Hey check this out!" I went over to Y/N to see what she found. It was one of Jeff's missing shirts. "Hah. Either they had fun one night or she snuck into his room" Y/N blushed a bit when she heard the first part of my sentence. I smirked a bit. We out the shirt back where it was found and then went through more rooms.

~time skip cus I'm lazy af~

There were only two rooms left. BEN's and Toby's. We went to Toby's first. I opened the door and smelt the scent of syrup. I smiled a bit at the scent his room had. I looked through his closet to find a two picture frames on his top shelf. I grabbed one to find a picture of him and his older sister Lyra. She had her long blonde hair in a side ponytail and her hands on Toby's shoulder. I knew how much Lyra meant to him. Sometimes Toby would always even come in my room to talk to me about how much he missed her and that he wishes the car accident never happened and that she was still alive. I put the picture back on the shelf and grabbed the other one. It was an old picture of me and him. It was when he first came to the mansion and he would annoy everyone. He still does but mostly Masky. I looked at it for a long time. Jeff had snapped the picture when we weren't looking. It only had me and Toby hugging but still. I smiled at it wondering if Toby asked for the picture or if Jeff slid it under his door. I then put the picture back. "I dare you to take one of his sweaters" I looked back at Y/N with a light pink go across my face. "W-what?" "C'mon just take one! You know you want to" she smirked at me. Knowing me and him are together, I knew she wasn't taking 'no' for an answer. "Fine." I snatched his second favorite sweater then ran out of the room. Y/N laughed as she followed me to BEN's room. We went inside and saw his unplugged video game system. Me and Y/N looked at each other, smirking and having the same idea. We took the system and hid it in Jeff's room. Our laughs could be heard throughout the mansion as we ran downstairs and sat on the couch. I still had Toby's sweater in my hands. Y/N looked at the sweater then back at me. She smiled. "You wanna put it on don't you?" She giggled, "maybe.." I looked at her from the corner of my one eye. She laughed a bit and turned on the tv. His sweater had the scent of a heavy cologne that i told him I liked. With a hint of syrup. I had slowly put it on while Y/N watched me,  blushing. What's up with her?


The pastas still weren't back yet. I had blushed when Clock put on Toby's sweater, but then looked away hoping she didn't notice. I was in suddenly deep thought on how I escaped Zalgo's place. Then I thought more.. SHIT! I forgot I had twenty-four hours to get Lazari and go back!! Its only been fifteen hours. But I need to stay. J can't go back! Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse.. Me and Clock heard something outside.. The a window shattered. Smile dog and Sad dog started barking and going crazy. That's when Clock had gotten her knives out for protection... Her knowing that we were going to fight back whatever was outside the house...

A/N: hi again. Back with another chapter. Shocker? Lol anyway hope y'all enjoyed. I tried doing this chapter earlier for my best friend since it was her bday. But I didn't have time to finish. But ye. Bai

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