chapter twenty-two : another day , another take-away

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clocks POV

after staring at the snow for what seemed like hours , i set my cup down and ran my fingers through my hair . i still felt sick to my stomach after what jeff had told me and i was still a bit sceptic of it . i didn't know weather to believe that he was telling the truth , or trying to get into my head . but i hated the thought was just sitting in the back of my mind like it was nothing to be worried about . i then had a random thought to where y/n was and turned around to try and look around .

y/n being gone kinda , worried me a bit . i figured she was just in our room having her fit but i wasn't so sure this time . i saw it starting to get brighter outside and sighed heavily . i knew jeff would've already been in the room and i didn't want to share it with him , so i ended up just watching tv on the couch in the living room . luckily , i wasn't alone as sally and smile dog had came and sat with me on the couch . we all three had a small bonding moment and at some point , weren't even watching the tv at all .

we were all chasing each other around the downstairs area , trying to be as quiet as we could . i felt a sudden shine of happiness and felt calm after everything that had happened before . but i was still worried about y/n though . something was telling me she wasn't , okay in some way and it started to bother me , but i wouldn't have let sally know that , i didn't want her to get worried and then tell the other pastas and cause a whole panic . which i probably should've let happen but i could've also been worried for no reason .

y/ns POV

there i was being dragged in the snow by the rake , once again . this guy never gets tired of me and i wanna know why . i was in brief pain the entire time , my sides were bleeding profusely and inked the snow a dark red . they stung so much and the cold weather wasn't helping , everytime a piece of snow had landed on my side , it would melt on my wound , causing the sting to get worse and worse . still , no sound came out when i screamed for help , or when i cried . i then decided to try and make another break for it , and this time , succeeded .

i acted like i passed out from blood loss so he wouldn't have much of a grip on me anymore , and to my surprise , it worked . once he loosened his grip , i instantly made a run for it . it hurt like hell- but i was willing to make it back to the cabin as soon as possible . i needed the people there , i needed her more than anything really . clock was the only person on my mind and that's what had me determined to make it back to the cabin as quickly as i could . i heard the rake follow close behind me but i didn't care , i continued to run until my body gave out . the thing was though , i had no idea which way the cabin was at , all the trails and trees looked exactly the same and the snow wasn't helping either . i groaned in frustration and ran down a path that i had the highest hopes for to get home .

it felt like the longest run of my life . i was in so much pain , but the bleeding managed to stop which was good since i wouldn't have left a trail to the cabin for anyone else to get hurt . i hated the position i was in , and felt weak . but i kept going . the cold was biting at my skin now and my hands were numb and turning purple . my lips were blue and i feared i would've died right there by hypothermia . but that didn't stop me whatsoever , i stopped running though since i didn't leave a blood trail anymore , and caught my breath . my throat burned from the cold air that viciously hit it while i sprinted as far as i did .

at this point , i started to think what if i never make it back ?.. and soon , other thoughts had started to devour my mind that was still processing what the fuck had just happened . but i didn't let it get to me as much . it took me a long time but i finally saw the lights to the cabin . i wanted to run but , my body was too tired and damaged at this point to go any faster than a light jog . my hands were now a dark purple and my limbs were completely numb to the touch . i couldn't feel my legs which made it trickier for me to tell if i was even walking still . it wasn't long until i had finally reached the back porch of the cabin and looked through the window to make sure i was at the right one .

i shivered and pressed my hand against my wound so it wouldn't start bleeding again . i looked through the window and saw the tv on , and saw sally run across the living room , giggling and had started to hide in the kitchen area . i felt tears quickly form as i realized i was finally here and i made it without dying or passing out . i started to bang on the glass and saw sally jump , she didn't look over . fuck ! i scared her- i thought but kept doing it until she either got up and got someone or until someone else had heard me . i soon heard smile dog started to bark loudly and ran towards the window . he looked up at me and his usual smile had turned into a frown .

clocks pov

the game me sally and smile were all playing was soon interrupted when smile had started barking like crazy . i thought maybe he just saw a squirrel but my stomach churned and i had a feeling i should go and check it out anyways . when i walked into the living room , i grabbed sally and held onto her . as soon as i looked at the back door window my heart sunk . i froze up and felt like i was going to be sick all over again but quickly pushed the feeling aside and had quickly shoved sally and smile away from the door . i instantly pulled y/n inside and hugged onto her . i then let her go and felt a wave of panic wash over "what the hell happened to you ??" i asked as i brought her into the restroom downstairs . "the rake .." she muttered as i shook my head . sally and smile had gotten her some blankets and i got the first aid kit from the bathroom cabinets .

it wasn't long before i remembered what jeff had said and it , started to hit me . i didn't know if he was actually telling the truth but , it hurt . i managed to stitch y/n up though and the other two warmed her up . i leaned against the bathroom wall and kept my gaze locked on y/n . would she really do that to me ? i thought as i suddenly grew nervous . i then looked away at the ground and sighed deeply , i wasn't too sure how to even bring it up to her but i knew i was gonna have to talk to her sooner or later . she wouldn't ..

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