Chapter Seventeen: taken away

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Clocks POV

I was being taken away by our mortal enemy. I tried to get out of his grip but realized if I keep struggling, the grip gets tighter and tighter, I soon grabbed my knife and slit Zalgos arm, causing him to drop me and winced in pain. Blood was on my white top as the blood from my clock eye started to gush again like how it always does randomly, I ran as fast as I could towards the mansion, hoping someone was on the porch. I don't know how Zalgo was able to get inside Slenders Woods again but he managed it. I saw Stripes running towards me as I ran faster and faster towards the front porch. I then saw Lazari come out of the mansion and see Stripes chasing me. She ran towards her and tackled her to the ground and tried biting her. I ran inside as quickly as possible and locked the door, I had a gash on my back as I punched the wall. "Another injury?! When will I ever be able to leave this god damn house without getting even worse!?" I yelled as Y/N came downstairs and saw me as she ran to me and helped me up. Nurse Ann cleaned all the blood off of my back as the cut looked serious but was very minor to the point where it didn't need stitches. I sighed in relief as I looked outside and stripes and Zalgo were gone. Lazi was inside already getting cleaned up as I tried sleeping that night. But I couldn't.


I was trying to chill out and relax but I kept worrying about clock. Even Jeff was really concerned every now and then about her. "I'm gonna go check on her" jeff got up as I grabbed his wrist "you like her, don't you?" Jeff's eyes widened "what?? No! Me and her are just really close." "Plus he has his eye on Jane" Lazi chimed in as he glared at her big time. "You like Jane!?" I bursted with laughter as I fell to the floor "and I thought you two hated each other!" I said trying to catch my breath "well it used to be that way until people kept telling me she had caught feelings" "and I'm assuming you did too?" I laughed again as Jeff gave me a death glare. I swear, if looks could kill, Jeff would've killed me a LONG time ago. Me and Lazi giggled again as Jane came downstairs to see why we were dying. "Ooooo Jeff look who's heree" Lazi stated as the raven haired teenage boy glared again "I'm gonna go check on Clockwork" he said, storming upstairs, flustered. Jane noticed and giggled as she admitted that she knew Jeff had a thing for her "why don't you just tell him?" Lazi looked at the masked female and smiled "cause, it's fun to mess with him a little, you know, just tease him about it every once in a while" she looked away, trying to hide her smile. I laughed again as I saw Jeff and Clock come downstairs from the corner of my eye. "Hey guys" I waved playfully at them as they waved back. It was a little past midnight as the five of us just sat in a circle and talked for a while. We all talked about our pasts as I was getting really into Jeff's and Jane's story. I never knew they came from practically the same background. "Wait do you two knew each other before y'all became pastas?" Jane nodded "we went to the same school. It was me, Jeff, and Liu." I tilted my head in confusion "Liu? Who's that?" Everyone grew quiet and looked at Jeff as he sighed and out his head down a little. "My brother" he muttered "you have a brother??" "HAD a brother" Clock corrected me as I expected Jeff to pop off but he didn't. "What do you mean had..?" I looked at him with sad eyes "that's another huge part of the story that very few pastas here know" "woah.. really?" "Yeah. Everyone knows how he died and that I was related to him but they don't know he full thing" I laid my hands flat on the floor, as I felt a presence of someone behind us as I turned to see Slender. "You feel as if you don't belong?" He said as everyone looked as I slowly nodded my head. "All I did was choke my step dad" I said "well let me tell you something that might make you feel better" he said as we all turned his way "you see, Clock had cut off her brothers limbs and beat him with a bat" I looked at her as she nodded "lazari had bit threw someone's neck just to feed" she also nodded and held her arms "And Jeff has went ahead and killed his own family" my eyes widened as I looked at him and shrugged his shoulders and nodded "so if anything, you belong here" he said with a nice calm tone as I was still stunned of all the things Clock, Lazi, and Jeff all did. "Wow.." I stated quietly but loud enough for them to hear. The girl with the clock in her eye, the 8 year old in a 12 year old body, and the most famous killer alive were telling me all their secrets that no one EVER knew about. Slender had left before this happened but I'm pretty sure he knows what we said. I found out Clock was a lesbian, Lazi and Ej actually dated at one point and that Jeff was pansexual and had dated Ben for a while until Jeff let him go since his issues were getting worse and didn't want Benny to get hurt by him.. physically..
I stared at the three killers in front of me as I saw something in all of their eyes, showing me that they actually trusted me with all this stuff they were saying. The random silence soon broke out as Jane looked all of us dead in the eye "if any of you go around saying what we told each other you will not see the light of day" "agreed. Say something and I will make you pay" Jeff said in reply as I scoffed "oh please I'm not scared of you" I said as I instantly regretted it by Jeff pulling me in closer to him by my shirt "I will break your limbs, tie you into a knot and plunge you off this mansion" I shivered "okay that does scare me-" he let my shirt go making me bounce just a bit on he floor. "OoF" I said as I threw myself on the floor. "Sooo you and Benny huhhh?" Me and Jane teased as Jeff scowled at us and clawed he floor. I could tell he wanted to decapitate us as I could see in his now full colored blue eyes that he was about to lunge at us but I quickly grew scared and said we were just kidding. I could tell he still wanted Ben but wanted Jane at the same time. It broke my tiny heart knowing he felt for both but could only have one, I gave him a look, telling him that I knew he was polyamorus (however the flying fuck you spell it) as he sighed deeply. Jane grabbed his hand as he flashed a bright red quick as I giggled at the sight. "You guys are cute~" (before you h8te on me. No I do NOT ship Jane x Jeff. A friend of mine on here does and wanted me to at least put something in about it so ye) "and you're annoying but hErE wE aRe" jeff said, purposely made his voice crack as I started to burst out with laughter, making coffee come out my nose. If it was even possible, Jeff's eyes seemed to have widened even more than usual as he threw himself on the floor, making his somewhat cute and humorous laugh echo through the house. Lazi tried covering her mouth as she laughed into her hand, Clock and Jane seeming to have the same laugh as I sprung up, running around them in circles, making my nose burn even more. As I was running, I didn't notice Jeff's hoodie was on the floor as I slipped on it, making me land on him and immediately cutting off his laugh AND his breath as he wheezed. He shoved me off as I hit my head on the wall, causing a loud thud as the other three still laughed their heads off but this time even more for that scenery that I had just now created. Sally soon was standing at the end of the staircase as the new owner of ejs pet Grinny, walked down while holding Grinny, Bens messy blonde hair sticking out in every which way as they stared at us. Jeff soon caught his breath, getting up to see Ben standing there making his stomach drop, making him feel like I knocked the air out of him again as Sally stood there, tired and confused. "What the hell man?" Bens glitchy like voice sprang out "don't be so loud I'm sleepy.." Sally said as she yawned and rubbed her green eyes as Ben nodded in agreement. Slender then popped out of no where "if you guys can't keep quiet, then you leave me no choice" we all started trying to stop slender from doing one of the worst things ever. Putting two people in one of their rooms to sleep together in. It makes no sense now, but it will later. Trust me. Everyone started yelling as Ben and Sally took off upstairs. We were soon all teleported into rooms. I looked around the room I was in to see dark red oozing from the walls as I looked at a closet, stocked with hundreds of different kinds of knives on the wall. I grew happy but disappointed at the same time as I sighed out in disappointment. I looked around in the corner of the room to see a tall figure with a cut smile plastered across his stupid but cute face. None other than Jeff the Killer. Satan himself came out from the darkness. I sighed again as he tilted his head "now you make it sound like it's a bad thing" he said as I laughed and went closer to him. I'd rather be stuck in a room alone with Clock so we could finish what she started, but I couldn't help but have the same thing as Jeff and love them both in the same way. I wanted to do what me and Clock did with smiler over here but I know it would seem and sound wrong. I couldn't break Clock. But something inside me couldn't resist him as I randomly not knowingly put my hands on his shoulders and roughly pulled him closer to my face as I smashed my lips onto his. I don't know why I did it, it was so wrong of me, but felt so good. I can't do this, I thought to myself but my gut was telling me to keep on going as far as I could possibly get with Jeff, I hate my body. I felt him out of shock kiss back as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I didn't want to wait anymore as I pushed him onto his bed, crawling towards him and slipping my hand up his shirt. God why am I doing this, why am I allowing myself to do this!? He grunted a bit as I wanted to hear more from him as I pushed his legs down and got on top of him I tried stopping myself as it was too late as I found myself noticing Jeff look down a lot towards his crotch as I realized I was right on top of it, I started to grind against him, earning moans from him as he went crazy. I felt him grip my arms, then the pillow behind him then the sheets. I smirked, knowing that we had all gotten drunk an hour before we had sat down and talked. So maybe this is why I'm doing this, I'm fucking drunk and is an idiot. I soon moved my hands towards his abdomen, tugging at his pant line seeing just a bit of his boxers as I bit my lip, quickly stopping when there was footsteps coming towards Jeff's door as he threw me off and I immediately went to the other side of his bed as he sat up, letting his shirt fall as Clock opened the door. "There you are. I was wondering" she smiled as I looked at Jeff and he looked at me. She grabbed my hand and led me out the room as I whispered to Jeff, "we do not speak of this but I might come to finish later" he nodded and bit his lip, as I walked out

A/N: wasn't expecting THAT plot twist weren't you? Hah hey guys it's been forever and I'm sorryyyy I'll update soon I promise ❤️🔪

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