Chapter Eleven: Back to the mansion..

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I was finally done packing while I was still stuck in this hellhole. Three days have passed already and I'm so relieved! I can't wait to finally see everyone again.. Even Slender. I was walking around the place I was brought to- since I still never saw the whole place yet. And I overheard a conversation between Zalgo and the Rake. "Sir.. I happened to sense one of Slenderman's minions wandering in our woods" "did you catch them? "Erm.. No sir" "you better! If not Y/N could figure out and try to escape! You better find them.. Or else" "Y-yes sir.." I backed away from the door and called Zalgo to my room. "What is it child?" "Uhm.. So three days have passed. Can I go get the little one?" "Yes. Be back before twenty-four hours." "Yes sir." He walked away and I happily ran to the entrance of where we were staying. I opened the double raven black doors, and ran as far away from there as possible. I remember my way back to the mansion and followed it. I ended up running into a tree unfortunately.. I got up and rubbed my now sore forehead. I looked at the tree carefully and saw faded markings on it.. It was the circle with an the letter X carved into it. I knew I was close! I was running then saw a top of a white building. I ran with a smile planted across my face, I ran up to the tall three story white building and ended up behind it. I went around to the front and saw the double doors. I almost wanted to cry tears of joy! I FUCKIN MADE IT BACK!! I nervously grabbed the the door knob.. I was shaking and nervous. I opened the door to see Masky, Hoodie, Lulu, and Jeff. The all looked, eyes wide, and all tackled me into a hug. I was happy to be back here! Ej helped me with my wounds that the Rake had done to me. Jane talked to me nonstop. I had practically saw everyone again: everyone except Clockwork.. I walked up the stairs and went to the door in front of her room. I shakily knocked on it and she opened the door with her one emerald green eye wide. She went up to me and surprisingly pulled me into a hug. She held on tight to me With her arms wrapped around the middle of my back. I hugged her back, putting my head into her shoulder. This was the first time I felt.. Safe around Clock. I tried letting go but she had an iron grip on me. After standing there for five minutes, she finally let go. She flashed me a warm smile "where the hell have you been?!" She looked worried "the Rake. He took me to Zalgo's place I managed to escape by saying I would get Lazari back." "Huh. You really are a smartass" she gave me a smirk. "I was actually worried about you Y/N.. I know I was harsh on you.. But that's just me.. I'm so sorry" I was shocked by her apology and then smiled warmly at her. "You really do have a heart in there" "shut up" she gave me one more hug. Before we went downstairs I looked at her for a while "is there something wrong?" "No" I then gave her a kiss on her cheek and looked at her. Her pale face had a deep red show across her face. She stood there completely blushing and I smirked at her "meet you downstairs Clocky" I told her before turning around.

Clocks POV

I stood there in the hallway with my face showing a deep red. I can't believe she actually did that! I mean I'm not mad or anything.. Just shocked. I surprised her and myself for hugging her as soon as I saw her face in front of me. But I did mean what I said, I was sorry.. But I didn't know she would leave me in the hallway with my face flustered. "meet you downstairs Clocky" she said "okaayyy" I said after she left. I finally went downstairs to see the three  proxies joking and laughing, Sally on Lj's lap laughing and eating candy together, Y/N talking to Lulu, and Jeff and BEN being in a "serious war" of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Smile Dog was jumping onto Y/N. Seeing her happy again made me have this feeling deep inside me. It made me think. 'Wow she's so cute when she smiles' i thought. I was surprised at my own thought but didn't mind it. She was adorable at times. I sighed and started messing around with everyone. Daily routine. I put my hands over Jeff's face making him lose to BEN. "THE HELL?!" he yelled as I giggled. I went behind Sally and tickled the eight year old girl until she laughed so hard that she hit Lj. I shifted Masky's mask and pulled Hoodies and Toby's hoods off, revealing their hair. I then went up to Smile and just gave him a treat. I didn't mess with him like usual but since he has stitches from the attack of the Rake- along with Masky- so I kept him be. It felt good to have Y/N around. I hoped nothing would go wrong anymore. I still can't go on missions. The blank faced fuck won't let me until I'm healed. Fully. Well, might as well hanging out with everyone while I can. Things are normal again... Or at least we all hope so..

A/N hai! Sorry if its short! My hand is getting tired lol but anyway I hope y'all enjoyed. I'm really lazy as shit right now but maybe I'll publish another chapter again later. Im sorta running out of ideas! Suggestions anyone?

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