chapter twenty-three : true colors ..

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(it's been way too damn long i'm so sorry)


i was hoping i'd just fall asleep but my head wouldn't let me . and no i'm not saying my heads just that fucking big , i'm saying that because it's what was instead and running through my head that kept me awake . it was like a , a instinct or gut feeling i had that made me stay awake . don't ask me why but , i went to go only wake up jeff and toby , shaking them awake and they both shot up . i pulled them both into the restroom , locking the door behind me . "if this is you trying to have a threesome , i would like to object" jeff claimed , him crossing his arms and leaning on the wall . "what ?- ew!- no!" "then what are we in here for ?" toby asked , yawning as jeff looking over at him "guys i can't sleep" "this is what you woke us up for ? to tell us you can't fucking sleep ? well i'm sorry but WE were sleeping . it's not our problem that you couldn't" jeff stated .

i grew pissed off at his remark , wondering why his asshole mode was even worse when he was tired "that's not fucking why !" i shouted , toby backing up as he shook . "it sure fucking sounds like it !" jeff shouted back at me , getting closer to my face as i clenched my fists . "fuck you ! i was just trying to tell y'all that i can't sleep because of a horrible feeling i have about tonight , but you obviously won't care if anything happened to us ." i said , walking towards the door as toby stayed quiet "oh yeah because you know all about that don't you" i heard jeff mumble , making me stop in my tracks "you say I don't care about everyone in this place right now ? look who's fucking talking . i wasn't the one who left everyone to try and runaway"

i turned to look at jeff , trying to say something but didn't know what to say , growling lowly at him "exactly . you don't have anything to say because it's true . don't say WERE the ones that don't care when you SO cared about us" jeff walked over to me , then shoving me aside as he got to the door , unlocking it and leaving . i looked at toby who was still standing there "you believe me right ?" "about your bad feeling ? y/n you just need some sleep that's all . nothing's gonna happen to us" he walked out the door , going back to his room as he shut the door behind him , leaving me in the restroom alone . i didn't wanna go back to the room , because i knew jeff would have more to say . i should have never said anything or woken them up damn it !.. i thought to myself as i decided to check on the house to see if my gut feeling was right .

i grew fearful all of a sudden going down each step of the staircase , walking and checking down the downstairs area of the cabin , going around back and forth to make sure no one was in here but the pastas . i forgot to check the outside part of the cabin as i decided to go out there , and not long after from being out there .. i may have come face to face with my gut feeling i had . the reason why i couldn't sleep , i froze up , i panicked , i couldn't move i couldn't do anything . it was like i was frozen in time and this was the end . i tried to move to go back inside but i just was , stuck there in that spot and i didn't know what to do . i finally sprinted back inside , but before i hit the door , i felt something grab me by my shirt , pulling me back into the woods that was right beside the cabin . why does this always happen to me ?.. i thought as i started to scream for help , but nothing coming out of my mouth as i kept trying and trying to scream , praying someone would hear from the cabin . but they never did .. no sound came out , whatever had me was obviously not gonna bring me back which meant i had to find my way out . i sobbed quietly , still no sound coming out as i tried grabbing onto the trees , but every time i did i would feel a sharp pain in my side , wondering if i was gonna end up dead this time ..

clocks POV

i woke up to a rustling outside , not thinking anything of it until i saw y/n wasn't beside me anymore . i shot up , looking around the room as i saw jeff sitting up , being on his phone as i tilted my head "hey woods" i said sheepishly as the dark haired teen looked at me "owlet" he said . i only let him call me by my last name , and he did the same . it was a way of saying that something was actually wrong "do you happen to know where y/n is ?" he then looked at me this time , the dark rings around his eyes getting darker

"last time i saw her was like , 15 minutes ago" "and where is she now ?" "i don't know clock . she woke me and toby up and brought us into the restroom and -" "don't tell me she hooked up with y'all in there" i cut him off , not even meaning to say that as he gave me a look , stayed quiet then scoffed to break the silence "what ?" i asked as he turned his phone off and went to my bed to sit next to me . "sorry to break it to you but yeah , she did ." i grew a feeling in my stomach , not being able to tell if he was telling the truth or not "she grabbed me and toby and threw us in the restroom , then tried making out with both of us . i pushed her off and told her to stop but she stormed out" i felt sick all of a sudden , realizing how dumb i was for falling for her "and whered she go after ?.." "not sure . she obviously never came back here and didn't go to tobys room"

i grew upset , every piece of rage going through me like knives going into a victims body . i finally knew what it felt like to go through heartbreak like that . i was sad , angry , surprised , and so many other emotions . i saw jeff shrug his shoulders as he stared at me "sorry clock . maybe your feelings for her the first time we met was right . maybe she lured you in just to break you because she saw you give in ." "b-but .. she wouldn't .. shes not that type !-" "oh but she is clock . this isn't the first time she's tried to hook up with us , well , with me really . but of course she didn't tell you all that . she'd come in my room while you're downstairs just to try and lay a move but i always shut her down" i ran to the restroom , puking into the sink as i gripped onto the rim of it , talking in the fact i was getting played

i saw jeff's reflection when i looked into the mirror , him leaning up against the wall "after she stormed out , she went downstairs . but i'm not too sure . you should ask her about the times in my room though , that'll make her shut the hell up real quick" i glanced at jeff , turning around to fully face him "what do you mean by .." and boom , he was gone . i groaned quietly , looking back at the mirror as i let a couple tears fall , quickly wiping them away as i went downstairs after cleaning the sink , growing more upset the more steps i went down . i stared at the window , a cup of vodka in my hand as i watched the snow start to slightly fall , sighing quietly as i watched in silence . why does this always happen to me ..

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