chapter twenty three : the truth , nothing but the truth , the whole truth .

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part 1

clocks pov

there i was sulking in the bathroom , thinking to myself , what would be the reason ? wasn't everything between us perfectly fine ? i didn't let it eat at me for long though . i heard her come out and talk for the first time after i brought her in . "thank you .." she mumbled quietly . i looked her dead in the eye and didn't respond , trying to figure her out . it took me a bit till i responded but finally did "yeah , yeah of course" i muttered . y/n knew something was wrong and even tried asking , by then i figured i should just tell her later .

it had already been a couple hours past and everyone was awake . i avoided toby , jeff , and y/n all day today and didn't let them talk to me . i know it's a bitch move but still , can you really blame me in this situation ? i started to really believe what jeff was saying , but i didn't believe that all three of them were involved . my theories were that it was just between y/n and toby and jeff had seen it but said he was involved , or it was only between jeff and y/n and he wanted to make it seem like tony was involved whenever he wasn't . it's an either or situation and i was destined to find out what the fuck was going on last night or maybe even nights before .

as much as i didn't want to believe that jeff could've been somewhat right , i wouldn't be surprised if he was . and it would explain to why she would act strange and wouldn't like to be intimate with me in certain times . i glanced over at the three that were on the opposite side of the living room , they were all three talking about god who knows what and i had my suspicions .

y/ns pov

i didn't really understand what i did wrong for clock to ignore me . but it did upset me a lot though i didn't let it show . i looked around me and saw she was looking over , i flashed her a small smile but she looked away from me . i felt my smile fade , crossing my arms and looked back towards the boys "do you two know why she won't talk to me ?" i asked and looked back towards her . jeff snickered and looked down at me once i looked over at him "what ?" i questioned as jeff looked back down at me . "nothing , i don't know why she's upset . you should go ask her" he muttered .

i shook my head and decided to just walk up to her . on my way over , she got up and tried walking away , i quickly grabbed her wrist before she was able to get away "clock wait !" she turned around to look at me , clearly upset "what ?" she asked "why have you been avoiding me ? did i do something ?" "you know what , yeah . yeah you did" she yanked her hand away , crossing her arms . i suddenly grew nervous "what ? what the hell did i do ?" "don't play dumb y/n . jeff told me shit" i felt my stomach drop what the hell did he tell her ?!

"what ?- what did he tell you ??" "shit . he told me shit . and by now , you should know what i'm talking about . why the hell would you do that shit to me ?" with that she walked away , keeping her arms crossed . i felt my throat burn , she was right . i did know what she meant . and i knew that now . i realized i fucked up , i might've lost her but i'm gonna at least try with that . i walked back towards jeff , shoving him "you bitch what all did you tell her !" jeff only laughed , shaking his head "what she deserved to know . don't you think so ?" he also walked off . toby backed up and stayed out of whatever just happened .

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