Chapter 21: the lost boy

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I sat there in my room, feeling just as upset as I was when I first was brought into the mansion, I felt as if I had messed things up just for not wanting to watch one teenager that was two years older than me. I sighed, hearing my door open then close as I heard a familiar voice. "Don't beat yourself up" I looked up to see clock sit next to me as I just looked at her then at the ground. "Hey, calm down. Okay?" "Who said I wasn't calm?" "I can tell." She replies back to me as I looked at her, "it doesn't matter" I told her as she raised a brow "Y/N nothing matters anymore, does it?" I immediately flinched at her remark, feeling the tension hit hard like a rock being thrown and going into your skin as I shivered, seeing she was getting upset. "Never mind.. you can either help us look for Jeff of stay and sulk" she stood up and walked out the room, flipping her off as she closed the door, growing more upset as I plopped on my bed.

Clocks POV

I slammed the door to Y/Ns room, walking downstairs, seeing they already caught Jeff as I tilted my head in confusion. "He tried setting a tree on fire by the lake.." Sally said as Masky and Hoodie nodded. I looked down at Jeff who was now tied up to a chair as he looked up at me, easily telling from his permanent bloody smile, was hiding a death glare, only to see his second smile spread wider as he looked down and shook his head. I crouched down to Jeff whispering to him, "I'll get you out once they leave.." "you better. Or instead of that tree in flames, you'll end up like me too. But not in the good way of things." He snapped back as he moved away. Causing me to nod and stand up as I looked at Sally. "Go tell Y/N we found Jeffery." She nodded as her quiet footsteps were to only be heard, the room going silent. Everyone looked around at each other, soon hearing static or ringing in our ears causing us to try and cover them as we whined and groaned, knowing slender was real near, causing Jeff to shake in fear, everyone soon leaving the room as he tried to untie himself before it was too late, but it was too late.

A/N: sorry this is so short, and sorry it's been so long! I've been busy with school and family and what not. I'll try to update my next chapter soon!

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