Chapter 13

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*Ali's P.O.V*

There was so much that was happening. Ever since we had arrived back at Alexandria, we had just tried to live our life as normal as we can. But we knew that couldn't happen. We were so worried at what Negan would do next. Negan was too busy being the dick that he is. I know that in a week, Negan would be back and would want any of our shit. He did say half so when he does come then he better get half.

"I wanna kill every single one of them." Carl said as we stared out the window.

We had no choice but to stare at the window. Negan can come by for his shit anytime he wants even though again, he said in a week he would get it.

"You're not the only one." I said.

"I'm sure that the world that we are gonna be living in is gonna be a lot worse now that he is apart of it. It wouldn't be easy on us and it's that gut feeling telling me that it's gonna happen. We shouldn't be going through this for survival. I literally fight through everything to get to where I am right now. I am not gonna let a man like Negan ruin that for us." Carl said.

"Remember what I said before, Carl. We're together forever."

"Together forever." He said.

I don't know what we are at the moment. I think it's obvious now that Carl and I have a connection. We had our first kiss with each other and we've kind of been stuck at each other's side since then. Not that I don't think it's a bad thing but I'm just saying. We just can't get enough of each other. We are always around each other. I would love to have him as my boyfriend but I think we are just taking it slow and being normal with each other. We've been chill.

"I honestly don't know what to do at the moment." He admitted.

"There isn't really much to do. This gets harder and harder each day." I said while looking at him.

"It's like he wants us to be patient. Well maybe I don't wanna be patient."

"How angry are you?" I asked.

That obviously wasn't a good question to ask.

"I'm furious. He killed our friends. Abraham and Glenn should've been alive. They did nothing wrong. I'll do anything to get redemption for them." He said so seriously.

"I'll do it with you." I said.

"Ali, this time you can't. I don't want you in danger."

"Danger is my middle name." I said and that made him chuckle.

"I can't let anything happen to you and you know that." Carl said and then grabbed my hand.

"But I can't just let you go by yourself. I don't wanna be without you." I said and he squeezed my hand.

"I know what I'm doing though."

"You can't go. I know what you wanna do."

"What is it that I wanna do?" He asked me.

"You wanna go to the sanctuary and kill Negan." I said.

He kept quiet after that. I knew that was what he wanted to do. But I don't think I can let him. I know how dangerous that place can be. I wouldn't want him getting hurt or something worse like dying.

"I have to." Carl said not looking at me.

"I can't let you." I said.

"And why not Ali?" He asked.

"Because I don't wanna lose you. I can't lose you. I don't know what I will do if you died and I didn't have you. I wouldn't be the same if I didn't have you by my side. I have to at least come with you." I begged.

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