Chapter 57

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*Ali's P.O.V*

So we walked to Alexandria. I don't know how long it took but we are finally here.

Michonne came up to the stand thingy, I'm not sure what it's called with Aaron and Laura, a former savior.

"Ali's hurt. You were the closest. If I didn't have a reason then I wouldn't have come." Daryl told them.

Then Michonne looked at Lydia.

"What about her?" Michonne asked.

"She's with us." Henry said.

Daryl nodded.

We had saw Michonne and Aaron talking for a bit before Michonne yelled out, open it.

Henry and Lydia helped me to the doctor, which is obviously Siddiq. I had my hands around both of their shoulders still.

Henry knocked on the door and Siddiq opened it.

"What happened?" Siddiq asked.

"Ali got hurt. She needs stitches." Henry told him.

Siddiq nodded and all three of us went in.

I sat on one of the beds and put my leg out. Henry and Lydia sat down on each side of me and put their hands on my back for support.

Siddiq unwrapped the bandage and started to get to work.

"How did this happen?" Siddiq asked as he thread a stitch through my leg.

I held in a breath. It hurt like a bitch.

The stab wound that I got was the size of a marble, maybe a bit bigger. Imagine that. It was in my left leg too.

"I-" I started to say but I couldn't get words out. I was too busy trying to stay calm during this process.

"She saved me from getting stabbed. If she didn't tell me to move then I would've gotten stabbed in the leg. She saved me." Henry told Siddiq.

Siddiq nodded.

That's right, I did and I always will.

Siddiq finished up the stitches and Henry and Lydia helped me off the bed.

"Just take it easy." Siddiq told me.

I nodded. "I will."

The three of us went out the door and then went to sit on the porch.

"It's gross. It's gonna leave a scar." I said.

"I like it." Lydia said.

"I do too." Henry started. "I'll always remember why you did what you did because of that. Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. I'm doing what I know is right. I'm gonna protect you."

Henry nodded.

"Henry, Ali, may I speak with Lydia alone?" Michonne asked, coming up to us.

Henry and I nodded and we both stood up.

"I've heard you let people at the fair. Thank you. The Kingdom needed this." Henry told Michonne.

"I know." Michonne nodded.

Henry and I walked together until we ran into Judith.

"Ali, I'm so happy you're here." Judith came up to me and gave me a hug.

I hugged her back. It's been a while since I seen her. She's grown up so much. She reminds me of Carl a lot.

"I'm glad to be here." I smiled.

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