Chapter 49

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|Time Skip- 6 years later|

*Ali's P.O.V*

Alright, so I know what you are thinking. How has it already been 6 years since the last time you saw me? I know it's crazy but it's literally been 6 years since what had happened with Rick. I still can't believe he is dead. 

Things are now different.

"I see you are back early." Jerry told me as I walked up to him when I had arrived at the Kingdom.

"The job was easy which meant quick work. I wasn't surprised." I smirked.

"I'm sure you do. In fact, I was just talking to Carol about it." He gestured to Carol who was doing something next to him.

"Hush." Carol said.

"You both have been such amazing people. Carol is married to the King, mother of the prince. Ali, you're dating the prince." Jerry winked that just made me blush.

We heard a noise coming from inside the building of the Kingdom.

Us three had quickly ran back inside.

"Henry." Carol said.

It looked like another pipe went out and Henry had went to fix it.

I see Henry fixing the pipe with duct tape.

"How we doing, Jerry?" Henry asked.

"It's clear. Good work, dude." Jerry said.

I just smiled at Henry's work. 

"Is everyone alright?" I heard from behind me and looked to see Ezekiel coming to us.

"Another pipe went. Henry fixed it." Carol said.

"Well done my boy." Ezekiel said.

"Dad, we're holding things together with plastic and tape." Henry told him.

"But we are holding things together." 

"We need better tools, someone who's trained to use them-" Henry started to say but he was cut off.

"Henry, we discussed this." Ezekiel interrupted him.

"No, you discussed it." Henry picked up a box before he started to talk again. "I'll be late for supper, don't wait up on me."

Ezekiel stopped him.

"And I appreciate your passion and your honesty. But you best watch your tone son." Ezekiel said.

Henry seemed defeated. 

"Yes sir. I'm sorry." Henry said.

I followed Henry out of the building. 

"You did well in there." I told him as he set down the box and grabbed his bo-staff.

"It's not that hard really. But it's a bit frustrating when it's only duct tape that we have. We need more than that." Henry shake his head.

I smiled at him. I know he's frustrated with the lack of supplies here and it's kind of breaking apart here but we are still together and I think that's all that matters.

"You're the one that's keeping it together." I told him.

He looked over at me. "Not just me, you as well."

I went over to him and then planted a kiss on his lips and he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

I know what you are also thinking. I am dating Henry? Yes, I am dating Henry. I did not stop loving Carl and I didn't forget about him.

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