Gone Crazy ||10||

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Shawnta in the MM


I woke up to Shawnta sleeping on my chest I smile and plays with her hair. She then wakes up

"What are you doing?" She asks in her sleepy grumpy voice

"Shhhh go back to sleep." I told her

"But I don't want to, I'm up now," She sat on me and kissed my neck

I grabbed on her ass "What you want to do today?"

"Well I got to get my nails done." She looked at her nails

I sat up and kissed her lips. I finally got someone that's down for a nigga, thats willing to be there for me and that's Shawnta we only been talking for about a week now and it seem like I'm in love.

"You know what? You should meet my daughter." She says

"That would be great, your daughter can also get to know my daughter." I told her and we both got out of bed.

I just dropped Shawnta off at her nail appointment and I was on my way to my lawn company because I got a call saying there was chaos. When I walk in I got greeted by Penelope, kind of my assistant,

"Good morning Mr.Richerson your girlfriend is in your office waiting on you, she seems real mad." I knew exactly who she was talking about, my one and only babymom. I walk into my office to see that Nikki crying of course still chewing her gum.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask sitting in my chair she wiped her face and cried more "Talk!"

"I ummm...... It's hard to say....." She stuttered

"What is it just say it already Nikki damn."

"I'm.. I'm pregnant."

"Uhhhh congratulations..." I said confused on why she's telling me crying

"It's yours Tray!"

I laughed out loud she dumb as fuck talking about that baby mine I an'it fuck her in a long time so I know it an'it mine "You crazy you know that?"

"I'm serious Tray. This baby in my stomach is yours and this is going to be our 2nd baby together. Aren't you happy?"

"Look Nikki I don't know what got into yo' little ass head but that baby an'it mines. You know that baby an'it mine so get the fuck out of here. You better go to that boy you've been messing with." I stated

"It is yours Tray! I'm tired of your bull shit I'm struggling and you an'it doing shit about it you got two babies to take care of and you know what I just lost my job, now I got nothing. You got you a new bitch and you want to act different? That bitch an'it nothing compared to me! You know what? Yo' kids and I going to be good we straight we don't need yo' useless ass anyway!" She stormed out my office

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