Spill the beans! ||13||

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It's been two days now since I've heard from both, my little sis and daughter. I need to do something! I'm so lonely and I don't even know if they're still alive. I don't know what to do though, I don't know for sure if Diamond is responsible for this I can only know the truth from either her or Ania. I haven't heard from Ania but she's about to spill all of the fucking beans! I've been real patient lately it's time for me to see what's really going on and stop playing. Those the only two girls that are important to me in my whole life. I don't know if Ania is going to answer because I really don't talk to her we use to fuck but not anymore, I call Ania from the number I got, after like 5 rings I was just about to hang up until she finally answered

"Hello?" Her voice cracked

"Took you long enough, wassup?" I say

"I'm just so tried I'm sorry Tick but what do you want?"

"We have to talk,"

"Tick I don't have time for your bull shit. What do you need to talk about?," She ask with an attitude

"Man I can't fucking say it over the phone Ania just meet up with me for brunch bruh,"

"No! I said no Tick! Look I have to go,"

Before she could hang up I spit it out to her "My little sister and daughter is missing," There was a long pause then I heard her start breathing heavily "You straight?" I ask curious that she was breathing heavy and was so silent

"Um I will see you at DD," With that being said she hung up I think she know what's going on she was speechless unless she did something she wasn't suppose to herself and just got real twisted up in some shit. I got up and got into my clothes, I've been calling and calling Nikki but no answer I swear on my mother that she will be dead when I find her! I was walking down the stairs in my phone when I heard someone ring the doorbell, I lifted up my eyebrow and unlocked the tall door I open it to see Paisley.

Paisley she is one of my old friends until she start snitching and got her ass locked up. She was for real the real one and the police was on our ass and she started doing the snitching but I got my ways and she was the one to get locked up haven't seen her since and haven't even talked to her. I really forgot about her but here she is standing at my door

"Hey.." She said shyly

"Wassup? When did you get out of jail?" I ask looking her up and down the bitch was a sneak but she did look good

"A year ago.," She replied to my question but the real question was why in the hell was she here,

"Okay.... Your here for... what reason??"

"Well-," There was a long pause "I need some money." She said without hesitation, I laughed

"Damn Paisley what have you been doing the past year? Talking about you need money look I got more things to worry about, come back later." I told her

"But Tick man come on, we go way back you know that' you can at least do this one favor for me. I'm sorry about the past but we moved on from that man come on?" Paisley whined

"Paisley, No! I got more thing to worry about. I will help you out but not now."

"I need it right now though. I can help you find Diamond and your daughter if you help me." She exclaimed

I would do anything to find my daughter and that hoe Diamond so of course, "Fine-" She gave me a big hug "Wait... how much do you need?" I ask

"Twenty grand," I scrunched my face up tilting my head a little 

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