Going down ||73||

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"I had fun with you tonight." I turned  around facing Zein.

"I had fun too," he said biting his lip getting closer to me "Am I going to see you again?" He asked

I grabbed his dreads "Are you?" I said biting my lip he laughed and I held up my arms for a hug once I hugged him he gripped on my ass. "Stop." I giggled

"Come on, quit playing." He said

"Look-" I said pushing him back "I'm tired and you have to go." I said and turned around to open the door. "So bye." I laughed and turned back around then walked in a little and turned around to close the door but Zein stepped in and began to kiss me. I pushed him away I believe that Jayen is in the back sleeping because his car is still here.

"Man what's wrong?"

"I don't know if he's here.." I told him

"Man go check." He pointed

I went into all of my rooms and he wasn't there I went back to Zein and he was naked just in his briefs I bust out laughing "Boy put yo' clothes back on. We an'it doing nothing like that." I said walking on him

"What we doing then?" he said throwing me on my sofa. I got back up and he threw me back on the couch


"Come on Mana, you was looking fine as fuck today."

"I don't care get the fuck out my house!"

"You tripping." He said standing up

"Yeah okay." I laughed "You got five seconds.." I said going into my kitchen I grabbed a knife

"What the fuck!"

"Four.." I started counting down

"You gone cut me and shit?!" He said putting his jeans back on


"Alright.. alright damn. Crazy mother fucka'!" He yelled running out I laughed. I'm too tired for all this shit. I walk back to the kitchen once I walked out I heard my door twist oh hell nah he think I'm playing. I hurry and go to the cabinet and grab my gun.

"Why the fuck!-" I saw Jayen walking in

He looked at me "The fuck?" He said I rolled my eyes and put my gun away "What is this shit?"

"Nigga what the fuck it look like?"

"Man you gone stop talking to me like that." He said walking up to me I just rolled my eyes "What's wrong?" He said pulling me into a hug

"I had a long ass night so I'm tired as hell." I told him

"Oh yeah how was your date?"

"It was great until I came home but don't question it now I'm about to go to sleep." I said pulling away

"No don't, you can fall asleep while we watching a movie." He told me

"No Jayen I have school in the morning,"

He smacked his lips "How about I give you a dance and if you like you have to watch a movie with me,"

I sighed and rolled my eyes at him "Fine." He smiled grabbing me a chair I sat in it.

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