Something coming ||59||

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I walked into the house with Jamell followed behind me. I didn't go far into the house I just wanted to stay right where we are. I turned around to face him I looked at him and studied his face, I knew he was hurt I hurt him bad I never thought I'd hurt him like this but I did anyway. I fucked up but who is he to judge he fucked up way too many times. I mean he cheated on me constantly he even left me for another bitch and here I am still here about to marry this man. Sometimes I wonder why am I still with him when he hurt me constantly but I'm here because I truly really love him. I forgive him a lot just because I know he can change and I know we can work everything out and get through everything.

"You for real?" Jamell said breaking the silence

"Jamell he was a mistake he was a way to escape babe," I said walking up to him but he stepped back

"How the fuck was it a way to escape Monica? There is no fucking escaping we're about to get fucking married!" He yelled

"I know- I know but I just-" I started lowly

"You know what Monica? You had that nigga smiling up in my fucking face man and you expect me to forgive you that fast?! Fuck you mean, talking about the baby mine shit I hope!"

I looked at him I know he mad and all but he don't have to say that, I know this baby is his I only been seeing Lorenzo for a month and the baby don't show in a month but I'm exactly three months pregnant so he mean to tell me that this is Lorenzo's baby it can't be

"Nigga don't be like that this is your baby Jamell!" I yelled in his face

"Bro," he pushed me "The fuck out of my face!" He pointed at me

"Don't ever put your hand in my face again!" I said

"Man get that shit out of here!" He walked off and I followed

"Jamell!" I called out "Jamell!" I called again

"Bro what?! What the fuck do you want Mo? Nothing. That fucking baby might not be mine and you about to be my wife Mo you need to like chill my nigga." He went and started to pack his things.


I walked into class and the only seat that is open is next to Ace. I really do not feel like dealing with Ace every since our walk together he been blowing me up and won't leave me alone. Like it's getting to the point where I could just block him.

"Ms.Mana your late." Dr.Richard said

"I know I apologize about that dr.Richard," I sat down and took out a pencil. Listening to Dr.Richard continue on whatever he was doing

"You know your best friend was looking for you all day yesterday," Ace whispered

"Shh. He's not my my best friend." I said

He chuckled "that's not what he tell everybody." Ace shrugged and I rolled my eyes "Look I was calling and texting you, Where have you been?"

"None of your business okay dang." I said and I heard Dr.Richard call out my name I looked up

"Can you tell me what I just said?" He asked

I looked at Ace then back at Dr.Richard "No I can't Dr.Richard and I apologize once again but there is no seats to where I can focus-" I looked at Ace "On what you were saying," I shrugged. Look like the I don't give a fuck and ignorant Mana just came out... you'll see.


I pulled through my gate and saw that Sparkle's car was here so I get out of my car and walk up to my door. As I was just about to open it Sparkle already opened it and followed behind her was a dude. I stopped them "Who this?" I asked Sparkle

"I was just leaving bruh," dude said

"I didn't ask you nigga," he put his hands up in surrender and I looked back at Sparkle "Now who is this?" I asked once again

"My friend I saw in the neighborhood he needed a ride to the store because he was walking but I came here to get my money,"

"Mhm. What was the point of asking me was I home to make sure you can let this nigga in?" I said and she rolled her eyes

"I was just-"

"You was just nothing! You leave." I pointed

"No," Sparkle said

"No?" I looked at him then her "Girl you must be out of your damn mind?! You nigga leave now or it's gonna' get ugly and you get yo' big dumb ass in the fucking house!" I pushed Sparkle in the house while I watched dude walk off. I saw him disappear so I closed and locked the door then went off up stairs to my room.

I open my bedroom door and see Sparkle taking her makeup off in the mirror that's on the wall above my dresser. "Where were you all day?" I started off asking

"Shopping." She said

I frowned "Sparkle baby.. you can't fool daddy," I laughed and she turned around "Since when do you go shopping with makeup on?"

"What are you talking about I always have makeup on." She said going to the bathroom connected to my bedroom I followed

"I'm talking about that you never go out looking all sexy with makeup going on a shopping spree Sparkle. Plus, where the fuck is the stuff you brought?" I looked around

"I didn't buy nothing!" She semi shouted

"Oh really? So what did you do the whole entire time?"

"Ride around town." She shrugged

I chuckled. I knew she was lying like a bitch that shit was written all over her face. I an'it gone push it though I've been loyal to her ass she got something coming.


"Bruh look man," my boy showed me a picture of my ex

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"Bruh look man," my boy showed me a picture of my ex. I looked at her fine ass then looked at where she was at

"Yooo," I said taking the phone still looking "She live here?" I said

"Hell yeah bruh. I know you been wanting to get in touch with her but I was following her on the gram the whole time. She nice."

I chuckled "Is it a nigga on her Instagram?" I asked

"As a matter of fact yeah, some thug." He shrugged

"A thug?" I sat up

"Yeah I thought she's with all thugs I mean your a thug now."

"Man dude, now! Shit I was a fuck school boy back then. I was her first love, her brother was over protective he an'it want no fuck boys or thugs around her. Shit she was my main but hell I fucked other bitches because mommy was too good for me."

"Damn bruh you got to see what's going on with her and get her back." He said laughing I shook my head

I did agree to him I just wondered why she move here she look so different and even more beautiful in her pictures. Thinking about her and our past makes me miss it I know I shouldn't have done the things I done because right now I'll have a little me running around and she will be my wife then I wouldn't have to be the person I am today. I wouldn't have to be in the streets because she always was positive even when it came to me. That's why I'm going to get her back. Yeah I'm coming back mommy. You got something coming for you.

Little sneak of what's going on but anyway next chapter! 🦋

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