So loving ||28||

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"Twin he hits on me.." she stood up and lifted her shirt to show me a bruise on her side of her stomach my eyes got wide "For the past few months I tried to run, but he catches me every time twin. I'm scared to leave him because he might kill me, and when he abuse me it really hurt me twin you have to help me," She started to cry and tears came falling down my eyes too I hate seeing people cry especially people I'm close too "I tried to tell you but you wasn't in school and wasn't answering your text," She just answered the question I was about to ask

"It's okay twin. We're going to his house get all of your stuff and your gone,"

"Where am I going to stay?"

"With me." I said we hugged I feel bad for my twin and I'm going to have her stay with me and stuff to protect her like she's my whole blood. See y'all I'm loving. "Come on we need to get out of here."


"Twix this is not your house!" Ella nearly shouted getting excited

"It's not mine but yeah it's my brother's... have you ever met my brother?"

"No-" My brother then came down the steps with NO SHIRT on and he looked up at us still bopping his head to his music shit he looking funny as fuck when he looked up

"Oh wassup sis?" He said confused

"Hey T ummm this is Ella my twin. Well she is here because I wanted to give her a place to stay because well she got kicked out of the house and she has no where to go.." he chuckled "I can go to Mo's house she will have any body there she'll be very welcomed if you don't-"

"Oh no! She fine. Just where is she gonna sleep sis?" I forgot my brother don't like people in his other rooms if they aren't family like why is it called a 'guess room' if guess can't be in there?

"You know how much room is, plus like I got a whole other bed in my room so we can just share rooms right twin?" I hit her to catch her attention from staring at my brother no-pac.

"Huh? Oh yeah- of course twin, thank you so much!" She looked at Tray ugly self again

"No problem but sis lemme talk to you real quick. GENA," He yelled Gena was his new maid or whatever she's actually pretty and cool

"Yes sir'-"

"Can you show her to Mana room and help her get settled in there then grab your things and wait at the door for me so I can pay you to go home." He pointed and she nodded her head "Now who is that?" I laughed

"My twin. Look she got pregnant and her mom kicked her out and she went to go live with her boyfriend but he was abusing her... you know I don't wanna leave her out, she an'it have no where else to go."

"Okay. Okay mamas calm down I an'it tripping I just wanted to know who she was, she go to your school?"


"Aiight go make her feel at home I'll be back," he kissed my forehead and went on I went up stairs to my twin seeing she crying I walk up to her and hug her. Imma make her life so much better I promised her


"She here?" I walked into the house

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