Excuse mistakes 💋
The date I had with Lorenzo was cool and all but I couldn't keep my mind off the fact that Jamell's homeboy saw me and might've gone to tell him but I would think that he was going to show up at the restaurant but he didn't maybe he's waiting at home. Should I even go home?
I thought to myself while I drove from the restaurant. Lorenzo I met him when I was actually shopping for Jamell I wanted to shop for him since he did so many things for me like propose. Lorenzo came up to me and asked did I need help
I was looking at some watches when I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked back to see this fine brown skin man standing over me looking at my ass. I cleared my throat then he looked up and flashed a smile I just began to blush at his smile. "Can I help you?"
"You blush when fine men smile at you?" That right there I knew he knew he was fine.
"Maybe," I looked away at the watches
"Say your married?" He said looking at my ring
"Happily engaged." I said to him and he nodded
"Would you care if I took you on one date?"
"Ummm yes I would," I looked at him "As a matter of fact I'm shopping for my husband right now."
"Oh your husband is broke?" He asked
I chuckled "Don't you see my ring? Don't it look kind of heavy to you? My husband isn't broke, try again."
"Sure will. May I please take you on just one date?" He asked again
"Why would I go on a date with you?" I asked
"I mean because you beautiful and it's easy to make you blush like real easy," I looked away smirking "See," he looked at me
"Oh shut up." I said
"So what do you say?"
I looked at him "One date not even a date a friendly night out!" He nodded and went in to kiss my forehead and then my hand with that he put a piece of paper in my hand
"You said it, one night out so use it." He walked off I smirked and opened the paper of course it was his phone number. It couldn't be that bad going on one date with him I thought.
But Lorenzo and I went on more and more dates I find him very attractive and for some reason he doesn't care if I'm engaged.
I know what I'm doing is wrong especially with Jamell's child but I'm having fun. And one day I am going to tell Lorenzo it's over but for now I'm enjoying myself and now when I go home I'm going to have to face the consequences.
"Are you happy we're back home?" Landon asked me
I flashed a fake smile "Yeah I actually am you know I'm happy to be here my family is coming to live here and I'll be cool." He shook his head while we went through the airport
"Yeah maybe you should meet my family." He said
"Yeah I met all of your peoples why can't you meet mine?" He said and we got our luggage
"That would be great-" I heard my phone go off I look at it to its Bear "Hold on," I told Landon and I answered the phone
"Presents?" I said

Justify my thug.
RomanceCompleted!!! (Situationships with thugs.)Life is full of hate, attitude, criminals, and so there is a lot of lost love.. Will the bad world bring the lost love between all of the thugs? Cheating.. but forgiving.. is it going to get them anywhere? Mo...