All on the go ||23||

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"You said what? Where she at? Alright I'm on my way." I hung up the phone with Paisley I got all excited and shit but I still needed to handle my business which we suppose to be going out of town and shit "Aye bruh we going to Paisley's,"

"Wait for what?" He questioned

"Bruh she said she know where Roni at we need to get there fast."

"You said Paisley's sir?" My driver asked making an U turn


We rushed inside of Paisley place and saw her packing up her things

"Yeah come on you need to show us where she at," I rushed her

"I'm coming." She got finished and we headed out  "We are going to New York." Paisley said I looked at her confused "What? That's where your daughter is?"

"I need to do something before we head out, how about we head out tomorrow morning?"

"Alright bet," They both said


We was suppose to be heading out right now, well no we wasn't I was just talking care of business with Mel and shit until I got the call from Paisley I hope by the time we get there tomorrow my baby still is going to be there 

I go straight to Shawnta's house to tell her what is about to go down


I really hope this bitch Paisley really found my niece because if this bitch is just playing I'm going to kill some shit, shit I'm already hot out here. I need to get out of here before I get caught though

Out of nowhere my phone start ringing in my pocket I answer it without looking at the caller ID

"Glock!" I heard an annoying voice say through the phone I immediately caught a attitude

"What man?"

"You need to get Polo for me he need to know about his baby." She said

"What baby you talking about?"

"I'm pregnant and it's 100% his,"

"How do you know that?"

"Because you know how we got down Glock come on now." She was right Ania and Jayen has been together for a while now like not together but messing with each other y'all know.

"I don't think he's going to believe you plus he's not with you anymore is he?" I asked

"No he with that young ass trick." She said

"Watch your mouth that's my sister your talking about,"

"Whatever can you just get him to call me or something, please at least try."

"I guess " We got off the phone

Damn first off I don't think Jayen is good for my sis, second she will not like this if she hears about this pregnant thing. Mana need to start messing with people her own age to be honest I don't like these grown ass hoe ass bitches talking down about her and shit she not on y'all level leave her be.

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