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"So what the fuck are you going to do with your company?" I asked Jayen. We was out at breakfast talking about him being in the streets.

"What you mean? I run the shit, I'm going to keep running it." He shrugged

I sighed, "You.. you got to be carful just be carful you can't afford getting locked up or any of that."

"Man Nana don't you think I know that?"

"I'm saying.. I don't know how you gone be two different people while in the same world,"

"I'm a businessman you worried about the wrong shit."

"I'm trying to tell you, bear answer this, do these niggas in the streets have any respect for you?" I looked at him he stayed silent "Exactly. These streets don't love you or Tray. They don't love you like I love y'all."

"Man is you with me or not? You said through everything-"

"I know what I said Bear. Do you know what you said?"

"See you always trying to point shit at me",

I chuckled "Because that be you not keeping your mother fucking word Bear. We have niggas watching all of us and shit, I'm in college I don't need to be or go through this shit." I told him shaking my head

"Then leave, why you here anyway?" He said I looked at him and stood up "Nana-"

"What? Didn't you just tell me to leave? I will I'll find me another house, you take care." He grabbed me

"Nana.. come on, the food coming." I looked behind me to see our food coming at us I looked back at Bear and sat back down. They put the food on our table "My bad I an'it mean to say it that way.."

I chuckled "I know baby," I told him "But look.. I wanna' help." He looked at me

"What you just say?!"

"I wanna' help you and Tray, I wanna' be apart of the family y'all got,"

"Man you got me fucked up. Don't ever say no shit like that again."

"Why? I can't help?"

"No you not about to be drug dealing and shit, none of that. You an'it never gone be around the shit I see."

"Well I'm already in the middle of the type of shit you have Bear." I shrugged "Just saying."

He shook his head "No. no and no you not about to roll with me like that. You my girl you don't need to be my girl like that type." I laughed "What's funny? I should slap the shit out of you."


"What happened to your face?" I asked Kane while he walked into my house walking to my kitchen

"Nothing." He pushed my hand away

"Are you serious? Where did you go when you left my house?" I said putting my hands on my hips

"Man I just got in a little fight that's all." He shrugged I shook my head this is exactly why I don't fuck with niggas like that. "Don't worry I'm good. We good." He bit his lips walking up on me I pushed him away

"Bye. Because you a street nigga fucking with a mother of two, you young, how old are you?" I looked at him

"Man I'm grown I'm turning twenty four in weeks."

I looked at him crazy "Yeah right."

"I'm serious, I'm twenty three."

"With no kids?"

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