Love dont change ||68||

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If your really in love with someone your love for that someone will always stay the same no matter what. Love never changes.


After walking away from Jayen I payed for a hotel. I wanted to be by myself I was going to go to Tray's but I need time to myself. I hate that Jayen can't keep his dick in his pants. I was thinking about finally giving it away to him but no he doesn't deserve it. I'll give it to a random maybe that random is who I will fall for.

I'm ready to have sex and set free.

I love Jayen so much I don't know how and why but it's this part of me never wants to be away from him.

I had a whole bunch of missed calls 25 missed call from Pooh baby🤤💙 2 missed calls from Mo🤞🏽❣️ 3 new voicemail messages.

And some messages. I sit on my bed hugging my knees reading Jayen's messages

Pooh baby🤤💙: Nana I'm sorry man I truly am I didn't mean to that was my only time cheating. When the baby gets here I'm going to take a test. I prayed it isn't mine so I could hurry and marry you. Baby I'm sorry. Please please please forgive me😩-9:21pm

Pooh baby🤤💙: Answer the phone please Nana. I can explain come on you got me begging. -9:23pm

Pooh baby🤤💙: Nana please accept my apology I love you. I meant every single word I said to you tonight. You don't know how hard it was to look at you telling you that I got another girl pregnant when I really want to be with you 💔-9:24pm

I began to cry hearing him be completely honest remembering every single word he said

Pooh baby🤤💙: Armana please I'm sorry. I will do whatever it takes for you to forgive me answer the phone, call me back. I love you. -9:26pm

As much as I want to believe and forgive Jayen I can't. I've never been hurt by one man so much. I've only been in only two relationships and they both was serious this one this one is more than serious. I'm deeply in love with Jayen I know I am and I'm not about to sit up here and cry all day I have to go and pray to hope too. I believe in us.


"Your family is so fucking rude. I don't think I wanna' do this." I heard Naomi

"What?" I said

"I don't think I can do this, your family.." she repeated

"Monica bae- I umm Naomi baby.." I said

"See your calling me her name," she shook her head "I bet you still want to marry her huh?"

"Man shut up with all the shit." I said shaking my head

"Come on you a grown man admit it." I chuckled shaking my head grabbing my keys but she stepped in the way

"Man Move Mo," I said she looked at me "Naomi dang what you want me to get your name right so bad for?" She then moved out the way.

"Be back." I simply said and left the house. I drove straight to Mo's house. Mo doesn't live far away from me at all.

I get there and knocked on the door. A minute of waiting she finally answered in a silk gray robe. I smirked stepping in she pushed me back out "Why are you here?" She rolled her eyes like she was irritated.

"You don't miss daddy?" I said trying to kiss her but she pushed me back again

"No Jamell move." She said

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