Can't be ||55||

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I woke up in my bed feeling comfortable as fuck my house is alright first time sleeping in it is cool I didn't know it was on a hill though. It's still close to campus

Tomorrow I'm going to surprise Mana but today i have to figure out things about town and she's suppose to come back today

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Tomorrow I'm going to surprise Mana but today i have to figure out things about town and she's suppose to come back today. Today is also my first day I'm in my very own office I'm really going to need to be guided to get settled.

On my way out to the car I decide to call Nana I haven't talked to her at all last night like we always the last time I talked to her is when I got off the plane and called her back. I also called Tray back he told me everything that happened and I just wish I was there to put those niggas out because that nigga done lost his mind.

I knew him from the first time I moved to Houston. Back then we was close friends too i was leading one side when he was leading another. He got locked up and we lost contact I forgot all about that nigga and I guess he's back for what his which is Tray's now so i told Tray to watch his back carefully.

It rings all of the rings and then goes to voicemail I just hang up and call again after 8 whole rings she finally picks up

"Presents," she just said as usual

"Hey babygirl." I smiled into the phone

"Oh hey Jayen," my smile faded

"What's wrong with you?" I ask,

"Nothing." This can't be her something is wrong this isn't how she talks, she don't never dry talk she just does not say one word in a sentence if that makes any sense.

"Well I miss you,"

There was a pause in silence "Yeah.. I miss you too." Sounding sarcastic at the end

"Tsss." I shook my head "Man look I'll talk to you later,"

"Mhm okay." With that we hung up I don't know what's her problem but she better fix the fucking attitude. I meant to say that.

I pulled off to my new job.


I was in the kitchen about to make something to eat for Mo, I think I'm going to make her favorite breakfast meal bacon, egg, grits with toast. That's her favorite like that's the only breakfast meal she'll ever eat I don't know why.

I grabbed the grits and bacon out first then I heard Mo come down the stairs "Hey baby," I kissed her cheek before she walked passed me

"What you making?" She asked smiling

"Your favorite. Hungry?"

"Sure am," she kissed me again and went into the fridge to get some orange juice I swear her and her orange juice. I took a look at her attire she had on some grey baggy joggers and she had on a big t shirt.

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