"Quincy?!" He walked up to me so we were face to face with each other "Wha- what are you doing here? You have to leave, all of you!" I added
"I came to get you."
"I'm- Quincy how did you find me?"
"I saw on your Instagram you lived here now so I thought it was the perfect time to get you back." Oh no. This can't be happening I can't. Those last three words got to be a mistake. I studied his eyes to see if he was serious "Come back home." He looked at me in my eyes like he was serious. He gave me that look when we used to go on our dates and just vent to each other like he was.. listening to my soul if that makes sense. "I love you, and I will always love you. I want you back Mana." I looked down listening to him he lifted my head up with his finger by my chin "Having second thoughts because you got another nigga? Come on now Mana," I looked at him its like he read right through me like literally. I then looked away
"Aye man shorty he been being too thirsty to come see you just go with him." Vinny said biting his lip
I looked at him and smirked "Who are you two?"
"I just told you that man you need to be focusing on getting back with him before we end up not friends because ummm-" Vinny looked over me and rubbed his hands softly
I heard Aspect laugh and Quincy smack his teeth "Man what's the deal?" Quincy said and I just stared at Aspect because he was totally checking me out. He then chuckled and I looked at Quincy
"I'll be right back." I said and shut the door in their faces hopefully when I come back they won't be here. I go back to the room and pack some of my things to go to Ace's house.
I got my hygiene hair care, and my body even my face stuff and put them all into my suitcase. I then texted Ace.
:hey can you pick me up?-1:22
Ace💛:ya you ready? -1:24
:yeah. -1:24
Ace💛:Omw but is everything ight? Did he touch you? -1:25
:boy shut up you acting like you my dad or sum 😂 & yeah everything is just fine-1:26
Ace💛: ay I'm just making sure 😂😂-1:26
I shook my head putting my phone down then skittles came barking with something in her mouth. Yeah I'm definitely taking skittles I can't keep her here with his cheating ass hopefully I could take her over to Ace's house.
:Is it okay I bring my little puppy? -1:29
Ace💛: ya it's all good I'm about to pull up in 5 be ready -1:30
I left him on delivered and finished packing I grabbed my suitcase and and carried it with skittle in my other hand. I open the door and see they all are still standing there I roll my eyes "Why are y'all still here?"
"Awww." Vinny said holding his hands out for skittles but I pulled away he just threw his hands up in surrender biting his lips looking me up and down I just rolled my eyes.
Quincy smiled "I see you coming with me,"
"No. Im not going with you I am leaving though." I shrugged with a straight face

Justify my thug.
Roman d'amourCompleted!!! (Situationships with thugs.)Life is full of hate, attitude, criminals, and so there is a lot of lost love.. Will the bad world bring the lost love between all of the thugs? Cheating.. but forgiving.. is it going to get them anywhere? Mo...