When trouble find you ||39||

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The next day..


It was so hard getting Jayen where he needs to be. I'm so happy he gets to walk by himself again if that. Then I can finally work my ass off because I leave off to college. Now I applied for the best 3 colleges of medicine because I know I could get in.

I feel so lonely without my Twin I miss her honestly but she didn't listen to me I don't even know where she at or if she's still alive, crazy right? That's all on her I did all I could for her and really tried to help and better her but I guess she's that desperate but let me let that go because obviously it's the best life having some thug 'loving' you right? I honestly don't need nobody but my brother, Jayen he my boo and all but he's always trying to boss me around like he's my dad or brother or some shit like no nigga.

"Mr. Jayen Patterson?" The doctor called out Jayen raised his hand and tried to stand up on his crutches. I sat up and helped him

"I got you baby." But I will always be there for him. I guided him on walking with his crutches because for some reason he don't like crutches and didn't want to learn how to walk with crutches

"Alright so first can you turn you neck to look back?" The doctor asked Jayen

"It's gonna hurt," Jayen said

"Yeah we're gonna have to um- go through all of these steps with you, hopefully these steps work so you can get to walking." She said flipping through pages


The party Sparkle and I threw was bomb as hell and it seems like everything went well between Sparkle and Mana because from Mana they're pretty close already and that's good. I woke up and sat up a little because Sparkle was sleeping on my chest like always and so I dont want to wake her up I look at the time and it read 1:07. Damn we really did party last night I'm surprised we got home.

I really didn't feel like getting up outta' the bed but shit I need to get up. I reach and grab my phone and see I had 23 missed calls and 7 text messages and some snap chats. All I got on snap chat is bitches so I don't care about that those was all of my moves calling and same for text except for two of them

Sissy🤗❤️: remember to look out for mail.
Sissy🤗❤️: Good morning T 😘, Should I start packing or should I just wait until I get the mail that I'm accepted then start packing right away?? -11:23am

: Start packing sis, there is no way that you shouldn't get accepted to either of those colleges. Don't forget you graduate tomorrow so you still gotta go through that.-1:09pm

I closed out of the messages and put my phone down. I mean my sister is smart she got straight A's all school year around the only problem is her attendance and her attendance wasn't even that bad so I don't see why she wouldn't get accepted. I know she forgot she graduated too all she's worried about is college.

I finally decided to get up out of bed and get Sparkle off of me as I sat up farther Sparkle groaned louder and louder I then decided to wake her up to "Spark it's time to get up baby," She didn't budge.I shook her "Sparkle," I called out

"Hm," she groaned and rolled off of me

"Come on get up." I said and lifted the covers from off of me she was still laying

"Ughhhhhh." she whined I just shook my head walking to my closet to pick out something to wear


Thank god I'm back home as soon as possible. I'm in a shoulder cast and have scratches on my face. But what happened was I was speeding and boom. I'm glad that I'm alive and not dead I don't know what I was thinking I guess I was real angry at Jamell and lost control while I was driving even though I was speeding and all but he really did piss me off letting a whole girl in our house without even talking me into it.

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