Smart, right? ||84||

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Tray said he was going to come home and never did right now I'm getting ready to go bowling because Mana wanted to have some fun so she invited everybody and I guess that's where we're going well I'm going. I'm tired of Tray's shit 'oh I'm busy making moves' 'oh I'm making money shawty stop tripping' like you can spend time with me too.

Plus I have my daughter with me now and she's bored as hell and I want to take her places but don't have enough money. He doesn't tell me the code to the safe and the only time when he gives me money is when he feel like I 'need' it what kind of shit is that? He just stopped trusting me but it's cool.

"Mommy," my daughter said holding out her hand with my phone I grabbed my phone to see I had a miss call from Tray's ass I called back.

"What?" I said while he answered the phone

"Damn why you answering like that?"

"First of all you was been suppose to be here. I want to take my daughter somewhere but you won't give me any money." I stated

"You didn't ask Shawnta!" He yelled into the phone

"Ugh whatever Tray, what do you want?"

"Y'all dressed?"

"Yes Tray." I said annoyed

"Man take a car and meet me at the bowling area." He then hung up

See what I'm talking about? I'm getting ready to leave this fuck nigga he an'it providing shit for me, he an'it doing shit for me, he an'it doing shit to make me happy, he don't even please me in the bed like he used to other than the other night.

"You ready to go learn how to bowl?" I asked my daughter

"Yeahh!!" She shouted even though she doesn't know what bowling is unless my sister took her once.

"Okay go get your coat." I told her and she ran off


I haven't been feeling good at all these past few days, it's hard because I don't want to go to sleep to have those nightmares again. They get worse and more worse so I decided to try to do something fun everybody should enjoy, also I wanna' get my mind off of everything. Right now I'm with Louis and we just chilling he wanted me to meet his kids but I guess they with family right now. Louis and I got closer, I personally think that he changed a little bit of his ways which is good for himself and his kids and I'm just happy for Louis. Louis and I started off rough and I felt I was going through a tough time and so was he.

He's fun to be around, he's flirty not that it's a good thing but I just like it when he try to flirt on the low it's so cute to me.

Bowling time...

As more people was arriving we as in Louis, Shawnta and her daughter was waiting we saw Mo walk in holding the car seat with little Mel in it then we saw Jamell walk in and behind them was Lola held by Crystal.. I froze "You good ma?" Louis asked

"Come with me really quick." I told him and grabbed his hand "Um we'll be back, there go Mo nem' walking towards us," I told her and walked off


"Mana and Louis ran off," I told my baby and Crystal

"They left his girl though." Crystal spoke smirking

"Look we can't just go over there and act up." Jamell said

"Yes we can, I mean I remember when I needed Tray and she an'it let me in and was just being soo rude so why not?" I replied,

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