Change. ||90||

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3 days later..


I was with Tray and my girl Serena taking a look around the shop that's coming along it's not fully done but it's half done and I wanted them to be the first to see what they will be taking over and my kids one day. I just went for an ultrasound and it's two of them so I'm pregnant with twins. Tray still doesn't know I'm pregnant even though my belly getting more bigger but I'm wearing big shirts to prevent that. Nobody knows I'm pregnant except Jamell, Louis and Clearance and of course the baby father Jayen and I also told Serena. The rest is going to find out soon because I have twins and they are gonna' get super big to where I can't keep it a secret anymore.

I couldn't believe that I have twins. I never would've thought about having twins. I never would've thought I'd get pregnant. I mean that's the whole point of keeping my virginity why be so stupid as far as my brother know I'm still a virgin. It's gonna' break him when he finds out. But I honestly think he'll be happy that he is an uncle and that's he gonna' have to take care of them if Jayen doesn't get his shit together.

Jayen literally doesn't know that they're twins because he's been avoiding me to go to the doctors appointment. Only because he found out that I stay with Clearance. He told Tray but Tray really doesn't have a problem with it he understands it's whatever makes me feel comfortable. I wish Jayen was like that.

He actually has him a little bitch he call 'wife' which is crazy to me even though I could care less but still. He downgraded I, on the other hand upgraded. Clearance treats me right we only had one argument and he always makes sure I'm okay with everything and if I need anything. He really takes care of me like a queen.

"Damn sis this place tight already and you haven't even started decorating it." Tray says laughing I looked at him and smiled

I hate that I have to keep being pregnant away from my brother. I don't know how's he gonna' react, I don't know what he's gonna' say about it that's it from Jayen. As I turned around to walk the other way to the bathroom Tray then came walking beside me "Don't think I didn't notice a change in you." He spoke and I froze "I mean you been rushing, pushing yourself like your in a rush, your style changed and you've been distant." He paused "I don't know what it is but you know I hate when you keep shit away from me."

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out

"What did you just say?!" I lifted up my shirt to show him the baby's bump "You gotta' be playing mama, no.." he said and I stayed silent "Please don't be pregnant mama, your better than that."

"There's two of them."

"Your having... your having twins?! Mama tell me your playing.. you, can't, be pregnant. That, this wasn't the plan." He said now pasting back and forth I just stood still messing with my fingers "Clearance? Who's is it?!" He said raising his voice

"Jayen's..."  I told him he then stood there staring at me for a second and walked away

I let tears fall down my face as I thought if it were to late to get an abortion. I just feel like it's the only choice I have, I'm not ready for a child I'm not healthy for a child either. I'm still in college I have to focus but with kids I can't. I just can't.

"Hey girl why did Tray lea-" Serena said approaching me "What's wrong?"

"I told Tray I was pregnant and he walked off on me." I said crying more "I don't wanna' be pregnant." I said crying even more falling into her arms


Chilling at the trap with Junior talking about some bitches and how we fucked them and who's the best. Dirt was been suppose to be here but I guess he went somewhere with Mana

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