Questions.. ||29||

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I think I wanna move.. like move out of this town I don't want to be here anymore it's the same shit... same money.. same people like I'm tired of everything. Miami. Yes that's where Mana want to go to college at, Miami is where I'm moving to.

I went into the gas market paid for gas and I got my sis and her friend some talkis and some hot fries, snapples and gum and of course Mana a Twix and kit-kat those are her favorite and I just got the other one a snicker

I go back to my car to pump my gas and this fine ass girl walk pass me damn she was fine. Her car was the car right next to mines too, it was a all black Camaro her music was booming she caught me staring and came over to me I swear she prolly a hoe but I never saw shawty around.

"Need anything?" She asked

"Yeah. I need yo' number." I licked my lips

She laughed "I have a question," I nodded my head


"Are you ummm Polo? maybe Tick? or are you Glock?"

I laughed "Tick, I'm Tick shawty." She bit her lip

"My name is Sparkle," she smiled showing her dimples she then went in her back pocket to grab her phone and I pulled out mine we swapped phones and put our number in each other's phone. She walked up to me and kissed my cheek "See you soon." I licked my lips checking her out she was fine as fuck yo' I went back to my car got in turned up my music and start jamming


"Yeah she always acting weird." Ella said we was talking about this one girl that be on Instagram live all the time she be weird and shit I laughed

"That's mean, calling her weird,"

"What? It's-" Mana walked through the door with Wendy's bag and look like a lemonade "You get me some?" Ella asked as we all stared at her she nodded her head then her nigga came in the room behind her with bags from pink of course her favorite store. It wasn't that long they been out how did they go shopping that fast?

Mana set her stuff down and they went to her closet her room is super big. He handed her the bags and she put it in her closet. They start whispering things to each other I couldn't hear because Mark and Ella was talking then I saw them hug I swear I do not like that type of hug I hate that type of hug she stood on her toes and rested her arms on his shoulder in his chest while he hugged her waist I also thought it was the 'I love you' hug that's why I hate it seeing it with Mana and dude like no


He left and it was just us Ella and Mana was enjoying their Wendy's and Mark and I was just talking "Mana what's up with you and dude?" Mark asked smirking

Mana started grinning hard and shit like what the fuck then they all started laughing except me "Mana I got ah question." Everybody looked at me "Y'all together or something because y'all hug like y'all a couple?"

Everybody got silent "Damn best friend... I mean all of us do wanna' know what's up." Mark said


"Sooo like wassup?" I said concerned sitting up

"I guess you can say we're together now.." I fake smiled and stood up I stared at Mana I could see I was wasting my time like are you serious?


Wassup y'all my name Mark I'm Mana's best friend we been best friend's since I don't know when, I use to try to get with her because of my friends but I start talking to her and became best friends with her

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Wassup y'all my name Mark I'm Mana's best friend we been best friend's since I don't know when, I use to try to get with her because of my friends but I start talking to her and became best friends with her. I love my best friend so much she always been there for me but her and these boy shit like Mana really don't get caught up in a difficult relationship like she would just talk to you and chill but I can't talk because I'm not a virgin and I get pussy anywhere everywhere and whenever so yeah that's me you'll hear from me a lot now

"Wow and I really thought you was going to take your time instead of rushing into something you truly don't want... well that's what you told me so?" He shook his head and was headed for the door

"Darren." Mana called out

"Just leave him be Twix," Ella said Mana then sat back down.


It was just my twin and I talking and laughing about things but my mind been on Darren and how he feel like I really think I broke his heart...

"You good girl?" Ella asked me out of no where

"Yeah," I laughed

"What do you wanna watch?"

"Oouuu girl I have to finish watching thirteen reasons why,"

"Yesss twinnn what episode you on?" She asked

"Episode four sadly."

"Me too!!" She got excited

"Ahhh!!!" We high-fived and heard a knock on the door I went to open it I open it and I see Tray and some pretty thick chick standing next to him he handed me a bag and I took it "Make sure y'all wake up for school tomorrow," he handed me keys to his g-wagon it looked like

"Thanks..." I looked at him confused

"Just don't get into trouble and go to school, take her to do some of your clients maybe? Just figure out something to do your birthday is coming up," I smiled my birthday is coming up all the way in August but that's not that far.

"Thanks T, I love you." I hugged him and he hugged me back the girl besides him just stood there we broke our hug and he turned to the pretty girl

"This is my friend Sparkle, Sparkle this my little sis' Mana."

Sparkle's a pretty name

She nodded her head "Nice to meet you."

"You too."

My chapters haven't been so lit lately but I promise next update is going to be a lot, 💯

Sorry guys I had to leave Darren out somewhere. He was just a quick character, but you never know if they're gonna comeback

Right? 🤣

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