The love ||19||

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Couple days later..


I still couldn't find my daughter and it's driving me crazy man, it was easy to find my sis and bring my sis home safe because she was still close I don't even know where my daughter is I know she an'it no where close anymore. Paisley an'it doing shit neither that's why her ass back somewhere she was.

Mana been with my nigga Jayen a lot I believe he's keeping her out of trouble that's all I need she allowed a boyfriend and all but if that nigga putting her in trouble he got to go, but she seems happy and all some nights she stays with me some nights she stays with Jayen I just hope he an'it smashing my sis because that shit an'it gone roll with me.

My alarm went off on my phone so I could hit the gym. I press stop and then there was knocking on my door

"Yo?!" I yelled from inside my room

"Can I come in?" I heard Mana say

"Yeah." I threw the cover from over my shorts and went to my dresser to get a shirt on

"You hungry?" She asked coming in

"Yeah you gone cook?" I ask

"Already did."

"Okay, wassup then?"

"Well... I want to go to the mall and movies with my friends today." She simply said

I looked at her "Don't you got to go work with auntie today?"

"Yeah but I asked her to take me to the mall when I'm done helping her."

"Shit since you already told yo' friends and auntie and shit I got no problem. You just gotta' stay around people and be careful," I put my shirt on I then went to my closet and went into my other drawer and got some money "Here." I threw her the money "Go get dressed." She ran to me and hugged me

"Thank you soo much T! I love you!"

"Yeah yeah I love you too, now hurry up." she ran out my room I just sat back on my bed and went on my phone I saw that so many people texted me my birthday was yesterday and I an'it going to lie it was lit even though I hate surprises and shit but Mana pulled it off still and I just remembered my photo shoot was today 


After the incident I've been under cover and staying out the way. I was hurt with wounds but I wasn't shot or anything. I an'it talk to or see my friends in a while especially my boo Olivia I miss her annoying ass I decide to call her

It rings like five times and she finally picks up "Bitch is it you?! I miss your fine ass where you been baby'? You have to tell me everything," She said into the phone

I laughed I wasn't about to tell her to be honest "I miss you too girl, look I will tell you everything at the mall and movies because that's the move,"

"Alright bet, I can't wait to see you again! Bye love you."

That girl is crazy but I love her she the only one that been there for me through it all but I know I really can't trust nobody.

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