The next day
I woke up early this morning to get ready to go get my bae out of jail in court today. She's coming home for sure.
My sister did it too, she really graduated yesterday I'm just so proud of her I can't even explain how proud I am but my sister is leaving me she's growing up so fast like no.
(A/N:I dont know how court goes so please bare with me😭)I arrived at the courtroom and see Sparkle and Hope up front. Sparkle was looking around I guess she was looking for me because when she spotted me she smiled like she got happy real quick.
"Hey baby," I mouthed she just blew me a kiss and winked at me I smiled.
"So what is the deal here?" The judge said
"You honor my client here has no right to be locked up at all." Hope said
"No, your honor. See Sparkle over there is very guilty so she should be locked up at least three or four years." I threw my head down and shook my head
"Say how is she guilty?" Judge added
"Your honor where the crime scene was placed Princeton was shoot and left right there on his porch, and on the steps of his porch lied Sparkle's heel." He held up a bag that had the same exact heel she was wearing
"Now you honor about that, my client has the same exact heels on now.. she had these in her closet the whole time now didn't you?" Hope turned to Sparkle and Sparkle nodded "Now you can obviously see that this is a whole mistake you honor," Hope added
"But your honor on these results.. you can tell that this heel belongs to her, it matches her DNA." The other lawyer handed the police officer a paper and the officer handed the paper to the judge.
"Ms.Hope do you have anything that shows this isn't your client's heel?"
"Your honor that heel matches my client heels that she got on that heel can't be my client's if she has them-"
"Okay that's all I need to know that you don't have proof, is there anything else Mr.Jamar?" Judge said
"No your honor." He sat down
"Okay so it looks like Ms.Sparkle does have 4 years," Judge looked at some papers "What was your clients relationship with Princeton?"
"My client doesn't know him at all your honor,"
"Lie!" Jamar shouted
"Settle down!" Judge yelled
"Your honor I have Princeton's mother here and she says that they were actually partners,"
I swear to god Hope better speak up
"Is this true?" Judge looked at Sparkle and Sparkle stood up
"No your honor that isn't true, I was home with my boyfriend all day that day. I don't know him." She sounded nervous and sat back down I gave her a thumbs up letting her know that she's doing great

Justify my thug.
RomanceCompleted!!! (Situationships with thugs.)Life is full of hate, attitude, criminals, and so there is a lot of lost love.. Will the bad world bring the lost love between all of the thugs? Cheating.. but forgiving.. is it going to get them anywhere? Mo...