Accident ||38||

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I had a great sleep last night like my rest was bomb I could feel it. I know y'all get those feelings when you just woke up and you knew your sleep was the shit. I sat up and smelled some blueberry pancakes it honestly smelled like Monica's it better be Monica pancakes because I don't eat nobody else's.  I got up and headed to my bathroom


After getting ready for the day I went downstairs to see Kate cooking up some eggs she looked up at me and smiled "Good morning,"

"Morning," I said "Wow you cook?" I added

"Duh." she said in a smart way I smirked and nodded my head

She sat my plate in front of me and on the plate was two medium sized blueberry pancakes with bacon and scrambled eggs. She then put a glass of orange juice in front of my plate and she sat down with the same right across from me.


Kate and I talked the whole time we ate I mean I am full. The food was amazing and turns out Kate is still the same person from middle school which I love about Kate. We talked about everything in our live's. We then went in the theater and put on truth or dare since I didn't watch it yet, neither did she. We was still here doing the same thing enjoying each other's company eating popcorn

"Damn." I said because this movie is crazy I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket I grabbed it and saw Mo's mother calling me ughhh

*phone call*

"Hello?" I said into the phone

"Jamell! What did you do to my daughter she in the hospital!" She cried into the phone I sat up "What's wrong?" Kate said

"What do you mean she's in the hospital?!" I said

"She got into an accident you bastard!" I threw my phone and ran to go get my keys Kate followed me "Mel! What is wrong with you?!" I found my keys and slid into my Nike slides. I went to my car and sped off


I arrived at the hospital and walk in to see Mo's mother and father they both hated me even when I always loved Mo but that's probably because Mo and I been through hell and back and actually been in serious danger but I don't get why they hate me because I always had her back and loved her so what?

They both looked me up at me and Mo mother started yelling "You bastard! Putting my daughter through hell! You stay away from us!" Mr. Runnáe held her back from getting to me I swear Mo act like her mom, Mrs. Runnáe. They're twins on everything.

I stayed away from them so I won't get into no trouble I just hope my girlfriend is okay. I didn't mean for this to happen, I mean she wasn't trying to listen to me


"You don't hear me calling you?" I asked Nana I swear Nana been pressing my buttons a lot lately like she so lucky I can't go anywhere and or barley do shit because I would not be in this house with her disrespectful ass. I'm really getting tired of her and her mouth like she my daughter maybe it an'it right to like have Nana as a girlfriend because I would really smack fire outta' this girl.

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