Hiding ||47||

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I got out the car and locked all of my doors I headed inside of Glory's a Italian food place. I walk inside and spots Ania and that fat brown ass baby. Shit the more I see that baby and her the more it pisses me off I'm not trying to be mean or anything. I walk over to her and sit across from them

"Hey baby," she leaned over and tried to kiss me but I moved away from her "Oh it's like that?" She said and I chuckled looking around  "What do you want?" She asked

"I want to see if that baby is really mine." I told her and she looked at me like I was crazy

"What? You know this your child." she started

"How? That baby is fucking dark skin we are both light skin and neither of us has fat ass cheek it's probably his over there," I said looking at dude that was staring at Ania

"No Polo it's yours! Why don't you just claim him already?" She said

"Because it's not mine!"

"It is yours! Geez."

"Man get up and come on," I said standing up

"Where are we going?"

"To see if that baby mine,"

"No they not about to put anything in my baby's mouth just for some test,"

"Well BITCH if you wasn't such a hoe I wouldn't have second thoughts on this baby being mine and so YOUR baby wouldn't have to do shit now come on!" I grabbed her arm and we left "No what the fuck you doing get your car I'm following you there." I pointed saying

She signed "Oh my god,"

"Shut the fuck up he an'it do nothing to you, you did this to yourself." I got into my car this baby better be mines because if it an'it I wasted my fucking time I swear I'm going to beat her ass. Matter of fact I'm going to get Nana on her ass.


We got there and I ordered her to go check us in for the test.

"Right this way," The nurse, doctor whatever she is said. We went into this room



After the doctor took all of our swab 'I went to the bathroom' I turned a corner and went into the room "I'm sorry ma'am but your not suppose to be in here," she said stopping me

"I know but hear me out please,"

"No. No I'm doing my job ma'am please get out." She said

"Hear I have two thousand I just need you to this one favor,"

"And your willing to give me two thousand? To do what?" She asked

"I need you to make fake results."

"What that's insane! I don't know how to do that!"

"Shhh I'll show you, but please help me." She nodded

"Okay. I will."

"Good now give me your number I'm going to call you and tell you what to do."

We exchanged numbers and I left her there alone in the room yeah I'm really going to give her two thousand if she does this right and don't ruin shit hell no the baby an'it his I mean it would've been his but it's Vinny's. And for some reason Polo hate Vinny.

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