Some times you need to sit back and listen to a person because you never know if you need to hear it. Listening is the best thing to do instead hearing one thing you begin to fight. Listen, just listen.
The next day..
Today I didn't have school I don't know why but perfect I'm at this meeting waiting. It's really time to open up my business. Have my auntie come down here and work at my salon. It's about to be the best.
"Sorry we're late Mr.Jose." I saw a woman come in then behind her I saw Jayen. Oh fuck. This happens every fucking time when I don't want see him I do anyways. I sat up crossing my legs
"Yeah you know I hate to wait-"
"Yeah I know." They both sat down Jayen sat across the table and didn't notice me yet. He finally looked up looking at Mr.Jose
"Good morning Mr. Jose this is my new assistant Avery, I'm very sorry I'm late but you know what let's get down to business.." he didn't tell me nothing about a new girl assistant.
"Great this is who I'm working with, Armana. Armana, Mr.Patterson and his assistant Avery." He pointed
"Nice to meet you Avery, Mr.Parterson." I smiled while shaking hands with the both of them. Jayen just stared at me
"Okay so first off we should get to where she wants her salon to be, she got everything else together."
"Okay and Armana what was you thinking?" He continued to stare at me I felt like he had to tell me something because how he was looking
"Um I was thinking you know, downtown next to the beauty supply store."
"Armana, There is nothing there." Avery said
"I know. I have plenty of money to get a building there."
"All that, with your money?" She asked again I nodded. I have sooo much money saved up from working in my aunts salon and doing my own thang. I smiled and nodded yet. She just rolled her eyes "Sounds good. What'd you think Mr.Patterson?"
"Well I'm the one that should do all of the talking anyway but yeah.. it do sound good." He smiled. That beautiful fucking smile.
"Well another thing is although Armana has her money we was thinking of going to invest with your company, since it's going to be placed downtown."
"Oh yeah. I think that's a good idea. All we have to do is get miss Avery here to gather up some paper work and it's official." Jayen agreed saying
"Great. Armana looks like the rest is all on you." Mr.Jose said I nodded I then saw the girl whisper something to Jayen and he nodded.
"Um Mr.Jose can we have a word with you?" Jayen said
"Sure." Mr.Jose looked at me and I got up and left out of the room. I can't believe Jayen is here doing business with me I mean it's not bad but it is. Because that's my ex but I always saw me doing business with my boyfriend.
I checked my phone to see I had text messages from the dude from yesterday Zein and Clearance. Clearance and I been texting like a lot but I made it clear that it's nothing like that. Now Zein.. look we not about to go there yet.
I then saw Avery come out "Hey, they're done talking. You can come on in now." She smiled and I followed her back in.
"Armana we maybe can gather everything else up next week if that's okay with you?"
"Yes that's fine." I said going to my stuff
"Okay have a good day and you Patterson, Avery."
"Well boss, I'm going out to lunch I'll text you, have a meeting later." She said as I got my stuff together. I turned around to see Jayen holding up my jacket. I blushed and turned back around and he helped me put it on. I looked at him

Justify my thug.
RomanceCompleted!!! (Situationships with thugs.)Life is full of hate, attitude, criminals, and so there is a lot of lost love.. Will the bad world bring the lost love between all of the thugs? Cheating.. but forgiving.. is it going to get them anywhere? Mo...