Selfish¿ ||40||

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It's my graduation day today!! I'm definitely showing off today like for real. Today is July 1st and I'm already waking up boujee and uninterested. But for real I really just woke up feeling myself. I grab my phone and read it's 10:43am followed by post and stories people tagged me in. Streaks from Snapchat along with chats. And a couple of text messages from twitter and and my messages.

First thing first I got to my regular messages and see my brother texted me back

Big bro' T🤣💙:Start packing sis, there is no way that you shouldn't get accepted to either of those colleges. Don't forget you graduate tomorrow so you still gotta go through that.

Auntie Tisha😍😘: Can't wait to see you walk up on the stage looking flawless tomorrow, good night baby. 😘

Auntie Carmen😫😍❤️: I just want to let you know that I've landed already and that I can't  wait to see you tomorrow suga'😍. Let god bless your night.. be carful.

Louis🙄: Wassup with it? Call me when you available been trying to get in touch with you for the longest🙄.. I have to fill you in on everything, you might want to know this information too.

Darren 😍🤫: Whats good? I miss you, we need to talk about everything tomorrow, graduate party?

:I got you.

:You already know auntie 🤪 can't wait until I see you too.

:Glad you made it carefully and that your okay, can't wait to see you later on too. 😘

:I'm going to be busy all day.. how about this graduation party people talking about?

Louis 🙄: You sure it's okay to talk at a party? 😭

:Man whatever I'll call you.  (message closed)

Louis 🙄: Lml ight. 😭

:I guess Darren..

I sat there longer wondering how I didn't get these messages and why Darren texted me out of know where and that I get to see my aunt's later on. I went on Snapchat and took a selfie and sent it as streaks

Good morning Steaks ya girl graduate today 🤪. Then sent them to all of my steaks my highest steak is 367.


After replying to like two or three people on Instagram I called Jayen because he haven't came home last night and I haven't heard from him at all I'm a little worried. The third to the last ring the phone hung up and that was weird I called again and it went straight to voicemail

Pooh baby🤤💙(Jayen): Dont call me or text me, I'm busy I call you when I'm done doing what I'm doing.

:it's 10:50 in the morning what could you possibly be busy with?

Pooh baby🤤💙: Didn't I say don't call or text me? Do not text me back I am busy Mana.

Wow just wow he is being so rude to me that's crazy now all of a sudden he's busy early in the morning at least 11:30 you can start to be busy but 10:50? Come on now. You an'it doing shit but with yo' little girlfriends

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